Android app to test Android integrations from Smooch.
Only "Run app" in the play button.
- app_id: The identifier of the app you can found in
If you want to perform authentication (to get old conversations from an userId), otherwise the conversation will be anonymous (always a new conversation).
User Identifier: The identifier of the user (a string generated as you want, an email, a phone number, an email + a phone number)
Key Id: The key id you can found in the Settings of your appId in
key Secret: The secret you can found in the Settings of your appId in
User properties: If you want to add properties to the logged user (metadata to identify room for example)
If you want to predefine params before run to avoid copy and paste params in the mobile app, you only have to fill the values above in values/strings.xml
<string name="app_id_example"></string>
<string name="key_id_example"></string>
<string name="key_secret_example"></string>
<string name="key_value_example"></string>
<string name="user_id_example"></string>