- Belgrade, Serbia
python-cheatsheet Public
Forked from gto76/python-cheatsheetComprehensive Python Cheatsheet
emoji-keyboard Public
Forked from OzymandiasTheGreat/emoji-keyboardType emoji easily! Virtual keyboard-like emoji palette for Linux with lots of features.
git_osx_installer Public
Forked from timcharper/git_osx_installerInstaller for OS X
advent_of_code Public
Solutions to the small programming puzzles on Advent of Code
dotfiles Public
Configuration files for command-line tools I use frequently.
meltdown Public
Forked from isec-tugraz/meltdownThis repository contains several applications, demonstrating the Meltdown bug.
useful-links Public
A repository of links to useful sites related to programming and information technology
nvm Public
Forked from nvm-sh/nvmFork of Node Version Manager
crux-ports Public
Ports of popular programs for CRUX Linux
delk Public
Docker-based ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) inside a Vagrant box, provisioned by Chef and Kitchen
ruby-101 Public
Forked from renderedtext/ruby-101 -
chef-rexbox Public
RexBox development box using Vagrant and provisioned by Chef
rexbox Public
Vagrant box with lots of developer goodies for quick start
intercom2txt Public
Reads messages from Intercom and stores them in text files
ruby-journey Public
My journey in learning the Ruby programming language
dockerific-elk-vm Public
Dockerized ELK stack with some maintenance scripts for a bare metal host or virtual machine
docker-crux Public
Forked from Cloudxtreme/docker-cruxDocker Images for CRUX