|-- Project
|-- contracts --this is where the source files for your contracts should be.
|-- actions
|-- ClosePosition.sol
|-- ClosePositionOneShot.sol
|-- IncreaseLiquidity.sol
|-- Mint.sol
|-- RepayRebalanceFee.sol
|-- ReturnProfit.sol
|-- ShareProfit.sol
|-- SingleTokenIncreaseLiquidity.sol
|-- SwapToPositionRatio.sol
|-- WithdrawNativeToken.sol
|-- ZapIn.sol
|-- libraries
|-- ERC20Helper.sol
|-- MathHelper.sol
|-- SafeInt24Math.sol
|-- SafeInt56Math.sol
|-- SafeUint32Math.sol
|-- SwapHelper.sol
|-- UniswapHelper.sol
|-- modules
|-- BaseModule.sol
|-- IdleLiquidityModule.sol
|-- IdleLiquidityModuleV2.sol
|-- recipes
|-- BaseRecipes.sol
|-- DepositRecipes.sol
|-- WithdrawRecipes.sol
|-- IncreaseLiquidityRecipes.sol
|-- GovernanceRecipes.sol
|-- RefundGasExpenseRecipes.sol
|-- interfaces
|-- actions
|-- IClosePosition.sol
|-- IClosePositionOneShot.sol
|-- IIncreaseLiquidity.sol
|-- IMint.sol
|-- IRepayRebalanceFee.sol
|-- IReturnProfit.sol
|-- IShareProfit.sol
|-- ISingleTokenIncreaseLiquidity.sol
|-- ISwapToPositionRatio.sol
|-- IWithdrawNativeToken.sol
|-- IZapIn.sol
|-- modules
|-- IIdleLiquidityModule.sol
|-- IIdeleLiquidityModuleV2.sol
|-- recipes
|-- IDepositRecipes.sol
|-- IWithdrawRecipes.sol
|-- IIncreaseLiquidityRecipes.sol
|-- IGovernanceRecipes.sol
|-- IRefundGasExpenseRecipes.sol
|-- IDiamondCut.sol
|-- IERC20Extended.sol
|-- IPositionManager.sol
|-- IPositionManagerFactory.sol
|-- IRegistry.sol
|-- IScaledBalanceToken.sol
|-- IUniswapAddressHolder.sol
|-- IUniswapCalculator.sol
|-- IStrategyProviderWallet.sol
|-- IStrategyProviderWalletFactory.sol
|-- IMulticall.sol
|-- IWETH9.sol
|-- base
|-- Multicall.sol
|-- test
|-- utils
|-- UniswapAddressHolder.sol
|-- UniswapCalculator.sol
|-- PositionHelper.sol
|-- ERC20Extended.sol
|-- Storage.sol
|-- DiamondCutFacet.sol
|-- PositionManager.sol
|-- PositionManagerFactory.sol
|-- StrategyProviderWallet.sol
|-- StrategyProviderWalletFactory.sol
|-- Registry.sol
|-- Timelock.sol
|-- deploy
|-- test --this is where your tests should go.
|-- scripts --this is where simple automation scripts go.
- .env
ALCHEMY_POLYGON_MAINNET = "https://polygon-mainnet.g.alchemy.com/v2/{{KEY}}"
ALCHEMY_POLYGON_MUMBAI = "https://polygon-mumbai.g.alchemy.com/v2/{{KEY}}"
ALCHEMY_OPTIMISM_MAINNET = "https://opt-mainnet.g.alchemy.com/v2/{{KEY}}"
ALCHEMY_OPTIMISM_GOERLI = "https://opt-goerli.g.alchemy.com/v2/{{KEY}}"
- hardhat.config.ts
namedAccounts: {
deployer: {
default: "{{DEPLOYER_ADDRESS}}",
governance: {
default: "{{GOVERNANCE_ADDRESS}}",
serviceFeeRecipient: {
official: {
default: "{{OFFICIAL_ADDRESS}}",
keeper: {
default: "{{KEEPER_ADDRESS}}",
Name | Description |
deployer | Address of account for deploy. |
governance | Address of governance which is responsible for setting all official configuration including setting the address of factory address, adding new contracts to proxy ...etc. |
serviceFeeRecipient | Address of recipient of service fee. The service fee will be charged when the user position closed. |
official | Address of official account which provided the official strategies. |
keeper | Address of keeper which is used to trigger the function of auto-rebalancing and auto-management function. |
- install modules
$ yarn install
- compile contracts
$ yarn compile
- run test
$ yarn test
- run test with coverage report
$ yarn coverage
- deploy Smart Vault contracts
$ yarn deploy:{{chain}} --tags SmartVault
- run scripts
$ yarn deploy:{{chain}} scripts/{{FIlE_NAME}}
- clean all caches
$ yarn clean
Contract | Optimism, Polygon Address |
Registry | 0x621e848F39fb29843cf8b42c86Ff2558bCd6C327 |
DiamondCutFacet | 0x8AfaC6A9C1643746DBE980E9f318e85c14cAdD9B |
RegistryAddressHolder | 0xe5b481AFFFbfe1A61d762f42d4c630a5AAD388f9 |
UniswapAddressHolder | 0x162Ff164B376fB1Fb0Ed657467123b262F25a985 |
PositionManagerFactory | 0x3332Ae0fC25eF24352ca75c01A1fCfd9fc33EAca |
StrategyProviderWalletFactory | 0x8984A6a7d64B8D5558FFc5A93cF536f631C77d4F |
ClosePosition | 0xE46ABe3f8b1Bc205dc24F431b025b73cd5FCA710 |
IncreaseLiquidity | 0xEFD5B5953DaD2bDf5abe5128345038Fda941f46d |
Mint | 0xB45F87f2381ED5993BD08C9C0d806c55F39e5b10 |
RepayRebalanceFee | 0x3A4980cc52C11F6C4e89b9661D92223C14a1e975 |
ReturnProfit | 0xe5930CE185b70a034FC34d2DDC57bE125D36e0Cb |
ShareProfit | 0xa43A376627cFA2f9Ada588d77997a46756dB4571 |
SingleTokenIncreaseLiquidity | 0x92De2ec547eE8B763b139283263A9facB1C92e06 |
SwapToPositionRatio | 0x9204ccE7E9FC1525472A4FACB74dEF6c3370D898 |
ZapIn | 0x9524503FD59F716271c43A99Be747d35E5c31140 |
IdleLiquidityModule | 0x928E7b3F3980f0008AcB44c074AaA8C00FAd0aF3 |
DepositRecipes | 0x32D939ca3351cC85054964fcbAc95af167996696 |
IncreaseLiquidityRecipes | 0x53112264b98D466062F36EB3f92EE5DE44821AAe |
WithdrawRecipes | 0xF5CCEEa954bD2fa37d383650E0730Ce947c60B3C |
GovernanceRecipes | 0x5652A51dA73873F1Bf5615C0fA5EaB77fc2e4510 |
PositionHelper | 0x76136A56963740b4992C5E9dA5bB58ECffC92ce3 |
UniswapCalculator | 0x0eE1Deb6e6ccAcCb157324c98A247Cc6440b335F |
ERC20Extended | 0x86Ae132100eC35156A524911584069C34E68F9e2 |
ClosePositionOneShot | 0x58230BAcF3acA32649CFeBBbe09889aF207E7363 |
WithdrawNativeToken | 0x7893022Cc5997c52aF7497508067Df41eB94eECb |
IdleLiquidityModuleV2 | 0xC4DA35b4839fBa2E2dDAD9636127Dc6E7743d7c2 |
RefundGasExpenseRecipes | 0xb3796969Acc49AF0f4fa608DdfA264C3987c28B6 |
Timelock | 0x9c0fBE88001ae2daCd7Dc28b920C16F99fE880b9 |