This project is a full-stack Flower Shop web application where users can browse a wide variety of flowers, learn about their meanings, add flowers to their cart, and place orders. The application features a modern front-end interface built with React, HTML, SASS, and JavaScript, while the back-end is powered by Node.js and Express. The flower data, including information about more than 300 different flowers, is stored in a JSON file. The app also offers an API for retrieving flower data based on their meanings or general information.
This project was developed in 8 hours as part of a hackathon at BrainStation. The focus was on building a fully functional full-stack application within a limited timeframe, demonstrating teamwork, creativity, and technical proficiency.
React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
HTML5: Markup language for structuring web pages.
SASS: A CSS preprocessor used to write cleaner and more efficient styles.
JavaScript: The core scripting language used for dynamic front-end functionality.
Node.js: A JavaScript runtime for building fast and scalable server-side applications.
Express.js: A minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework for creating APIs and handling requests.
JSON: Stores flower data as a local JSON file for quick access and easy updates
GET /api/flowers: Fetches the complete list of all flowers.
POST/api/search: Retrives the complete list of flowers with name or meaning
POST /api/order: Submits the order information after the user has added flowers to the cart.