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About Laravel Logs Importer

Logs importer, is way to insert logs file data to the database. this is implements new custom console command in laravel application and REST API to access api/v1/logs/count endpoint. For implements REST API usage once of design patterns to handle filter parameters. This design pattern is "Chain of responsibility" to implements filter by params and open extension or close modification main Filter class.

Please see this directory or submodule: app/Http/Controllers/Logs/Filters

Assigned tasks to me:

  • Create a console command that parses the log file and inserts the data into the
  • Design a REST API endpoint /logs/count which returns a count of rows that match the
    filter criteria. This endpoint accepts filters via GET HTTP verb and allows zero or more filter

The filter include:

  • serviceName
  • statusCode
  • startDate
  • endDate

The result of /logs/count is:

{"count" : 50}


Model, Controller, Job, Factory, and Seeder:

  • Model/Log
  • Controllers/Logs/LogController
  • Jobs/ImportLog
  • database/factories/LogFactory
  • database/seeders/LogsTableSeeder

implemented with Queue and Job

At the time of executing the above command, firstly, the content of the file is analyzed using a number of helper functions, and then for the insert operation, I have used a Job to import the microservice report.
The job name is ImportLog


Work with LogsImporterCommand:

php artisan migrate php artisan db:seed

Before usage of console command, please enter in terminal: php artisan queue:work --tries=3

Then open new terminal window, replaced __FILE_PATH__ with logs.txt file path, and enter below command: php artisan logs:import __FILE_PATH__

Work with REST API:

with GET HTTP verb send request to

Available filter parameters:

  • serviceName
  • statusCode
  • startDate
  • endDate

cURL example:

curl --location ''

Feature tests


Please, enter LOGS_FILE_PATH into .env. needs setup for running test!

php artisan test --filter LogsImporterCommandTest


php artisan test --filter LogsCountEndpointTest

Other tests I would include with more time:

  • I would write unit tests to check helper functions likes: app/Utils/LogParserHelper.php and app/helpers.php
  • I would write unit tests to check secure header params in REST API for logs/count endpoint!
  • if i had more time, implements jwt to use for authentication user and add user access token endpoint to check roles and access level and write related tests for this.
  • etc...
Thank you so much


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