go utility for speeding up large finds
Options such as -s and -d that imply a fixed global ordering of operations are only valid within within the context of each individual find that is run by gofind. As gofind is running a number of finds concurrently a fixed global ordering of when each directory will be traversed or individual file is acted upon cannot be guaranteed. So with gofind we will seek to make sure that each file and directory is traversed/acted upon at least once and no more than once.
Right now gofind's ordering of output is determined by the order of completion of each one of it's goroutines. That is, the order can be different between different runs. I may add sorting output as an option to gofind in the future but for now gofind | sort can be used to get deterministically ordered output.
So the ordering of
gofind != gofind | sort
But that is true with find as well.
find != find | sort
find -s != find | sort
find -d != find | sort
So for the sake of equivalence we will seek to have the following hold true.
gofind [-sd] | sort == find [-sd] | sort