When creating applications for the Windows stores (RT & Phone), there are numerous icons that need to be created. This utility to help generate all the required icon sizes, including the scaled versions for higher DPI devices.
I will upload a compiled version in the future. For the moment you can download and compile the application.
- Drag and drop an image onto the workspace.
- Select the region of the image you want to crop
- Click Save to have the icons be generated
It is recommended to use an image that is at least 300x300 for best results.
- Automatically generate icons for:
- Windows Phone 7
- Windows Phone 8
- Windows Store Applications
###Generated icons Windows Phone 7
- StoreTile.png (300x300)
- BackgroundImage.png (173x173)
- ApplicationIcon.png (62x62)
Windows Phone 8
- ApplicationIcon.png (100x100)
FlipCycleTileLarge.png (691x336)- FlipCycleTileMedium.png (336x336)
- FlipCycleTileSmall.png (159x159)
IconicTileMediumLarge.png (134x202)IconicTileSmall.png (71x110)
Windows Store Application
- Logo
- Logo.scale-180.png (270x270)
- Logo.scale-140.png (210x210)
- Logo.scale-100.png (150x150)
- Logo.scale-80.png (120x12)
- SmallLogo
- SmallLogo.scale-180.png (54x54)
- SmallLogo.scale-140.png (42x42)
- SmallLogo.scale-100.png (30x30)
- SmallLogo.scale-80.png (24x24)
- SmallLogo.target-256.png (256x256)
- SmallLogo.target-48.png (48x48)
- SmallLogo.target-32.png (32x32)
- SmallLogo.target-16.png (16x16)
- StoreLogo
- StoreLogo.scale-180.png (90x90)
- StoreLogo.scale-140.png (70x70)
- StoreLogo.scale-100.png (50x50)
This utility is based off the original source code of Windows Phone Icons Maker by Hiroyuki Kawanishi. The source code had not been updated since September 2011, so I decided to fork it and update it to support the new platforms (WP7/WP8/WinRT).
The code is MS-PL as that is what the original source code was licensed as. http://wpiconmaker.codeplex.com/license