This is an example on how to start a docker-compose environment in a (remote) docker host.
NB This is similar to rgl/windows-docker-compose-example.
Execute the following commands:
# if required, set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable.
# this make the docker client use this dockerd.
# NB you must start dockerd with -H tcp://
#export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://
# create the environment defined in docker-compose.yml
# and leave it running in the background.
docker compose up --build -d
# show running containers.
docker compose ps
# execute command inside the containers.
docker compose exec -T hello ls -laF /
docker compose exec -T etcd etcd --version
docker compose exec -T etcd etcdctl version
docker compose exec -T etcd etcdctl endpoint health
docker compose exec -T etcd etcdctl put foo bar
docker compose exec -T etcd etcdctl get foo
# get the allocated hello port and create an endpoint url based in
# the DOCKER_HOST environment variable host.
python3 <<'EOF'
import os
import urllib.parse
import subprocess
p = subprocess.Popen(
['docker', 'compose', 'port', 'hello', '8888'],
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
if 'DOCKER_HOST' in os.environ:
docker_host_ip_address = urllib.parse.urlparse(os.environ['DOCKER_HOST']).netloc.split(':')[0]
hello_port = stdout.strip().split(':')[-1]
hello_endpoint = f'http://{docker_host_ip_address}:{hello_port}'
hello_endpoint = f'http://{stdout.strip()}'
# invoke the hello endpoint.
wget -qO- $hello_endpoint
# show logs.
docker compose logs
# destroy the environment.
docker compose down --volumes