Clustering Molecular Dynamics trajectories is a common analysis that allows grouping together similar conformations. Several algorithms have been designed and optimized to perform this routine task and among them, Quality Threshold (QT) stands as a very attractive option. QT guarantees that in retrieved clusters, no pair of frames will have a similarity value greater than a specified threshold and hence a set of strongly correlated frames is obtained for each cluster. For more information about QT, please refer to Heyer et. al. work (Heyer, L. J.; Kruglyak, S.; Yooseph, S. Exploring Expression Data: Identification and Analysis of Coexpressed Genes. 1999, No. 213, 1106–1115. Genome Research).
To successfully run script, you should have previously installed the following dependencies:
- MDTraj: Fast pairwise RMSD computation
- Numpy: Numerical calculations
- MDTraj
You can install MDTraj via pip or conda. The latter is recommended.
$ conda install -c conda-forge mdtraj
$ pip install mdtraj
- Numpy
If Numpy is not already present in your system, see the recommended options to install it.
After installation of dependencies, you can access the help of this script as python -h. can deal with a variety of topology/trajectory formats and a rich selection syntax is also available. Both features are provided by the MDTraj library, please refer to its documentation for further details.
The following line exemplifies available arguments. Note that only the -traj is mandatory (if trajectory does not contain topological information, then -top argument is also required).
python -traj trajectory.dcd -top topology.psf -first 0 -last 100 -stride 5 -sel backbone -cutoff 4 -minsize 50 -odir ./
-traj: the path to the trajectory file
-top: the path to the topology file
-first: first frame to analyze (zero-based counting)
-last: last frame to analyze (zero-based counting)
-stride: stride (step) of frames to analyze
-sel: selection syntax whose atoms will be superposed before RMSD calculation
-cutoff: threshold of similarity (in Angstroms)
-minsize: minimum number of frames inside returned clusters
-odir: the directory where to save output files produces two files: 1) QT_Clusters.txt where each line represents a frame and contains the number of the cluster that frame belongs to and 2) QT_Visualization.log that is in NMRcluster format and allows users to interface with VMD program.
If you have VMD program and the clustering plugin by Luis Gracia, you can use it for importing the QT_Visualization.log file and visualize the results of (once you have load the trajectory in VMD).
This option is under revision ...
This project is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3
If this work has been useful for your research, please cite it:
González-Alemán, R.; Hernández-Castillo, D.; Caballero, J.; Montero-Cabrera, L. A. Quality Threshold Clustering of Molecular Dynamics: A Word of Caution. J. Chem. Inf. Model. 2019, acs.jcim.9b00558.