CapibaraZero aim to be a cheap alternative to FlipperZero™. It's based on ESP32 boards especially on ESP32-S3 but we want to port firmware to all ESP family boards.
This repo contains the main firmware that make capibaraZero works.
Most of attacks are separated in repository to isolate them from GUI to make project structure more readable.
To build project just must have PlatformIO installed and a working version of GNU Bison and Flex
Before building project you must execute to prepare PN532 libs
bash # Init NFC libs
pio run
# To upload firmware
pio run -t upload
You can use the precompiled firmware from releases
The project is BETA! 🎉
Working Features:
- Wi-Fi support
- BLE support
- BadUSB support(Limited to 4-5 files in file browser)
- NFC support(Expect bugs)
- Some network attacks
WIP features:
- SubGHZ
- IR
- Add more network attacks
More details in the project view:
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
If you wanna port project to other ESP boards, we have made a little guide here: