This ansible collection includes a number of roles and modules which can be used to configure and manage Ansible Automation Event Driven Ansible as code.
Example project runnable on RHODS using transfer learning.
Standard structure for an OpenShift multi-cluster day 2 configurations
Advanced Kubernetes YAML configs - Best Practices, Tips & Tricks, Production-Ready Checklist - experience from several production environments. AWS, GCP, Azure, ArgoCD, GKE, EKS, AKS, Nginx, Traefi…
Kustomize and ArgoCD Manifests for Product Catalog
redhat-scholars / summit-2023-gitops-cluster-mgmt
Forked from evanshortiss/rht-summit-2023-gitops-cluster-mgmtSource repo for the guide for "Using GitOps to control and customize your Red Hat OpenShift clusters and applications"
Tools and technologies that are hosted on an OpenShift cluster
A GitOps and Serverless CI/CD demo using OpenShift GitOps (Argo CD) and OpenShift Pipelines (Tekton).
OpenShift CI/CD demo with Tekton and Argo CD
Workshop materials for OpenShift admin training, covering Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4, Modern App Dev Roadshow's Ops Track, and Summit 2023 Hands-on with OCP Plus.
Example Kafka reference architecture built with Red Hat AMQ Streams components
Tools for disconnected installs of OCP 4
AgnosticD - Ansible Deployer for multiple Cloud Deployers