A web app that allows you to enter an address and get back weather for that address.
Solution overview is here.
After the deadline I set up CI/CD to Heroku at https://pleaseallowmeto.helpyourteamlove.life
If you would like to try the app without dealing with local setup (documented below) you can just browse there.
If you want to prove this code == that site
feel free to submit PRs and I'll approve. Also if you want to fork and set up your own site on heroku you could:
- fork
- create a heroku site
- use heroku ACM to set up ssl
- configure heroku app key and set it up as a secret
- nit, but change the email in the deploy workflow which is hardcoded to mine.
This is what I used, possibly other rails7 versions will work.
- ruby 3.3.0 (2023-12-25 revision 5124f9ac75) [x86_64-darwin23]
- rails
- docker > 20.10.21
To set up Redis using Docker containers, follow these steps:
- Ensure Docker is Running
- Run the Redis Setup Rake Task:
bundle exec rake redis:setup
git clone [email protected]:rhelico/wthr.git
bundle install
rails tailwindcss:build
ok to use .env while developing
- create env var for GOOGLE_GEOCODE_API_KEY - must have maps access and $
- create env var for OPENWEATHERMAP_API_KEY - iirc it's free to start