Python implementation of algorithms from Russell And Norvig's "Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach"
Código utilizado para el DMC Predictive Challenge 2016, caso Cell2Cell
Code for the Laravel YouTube series
Laravel 5.2 - social network from the "Mindspace" - Laravel PHP - Create a Social Network (Full App) tutorial
CMS built on Laravel, AngularJS and Material Design
rhmircin / Zamka
Forked from Zamka/ZamkaRepositorio de la Web de Zamka
WA is some kind of a experimental project that built with material and LeanCloud.
Example scripts for deploying a Node.js application behind a Node proxy alongside Apache/Nginx, as a demon which restarts automatically upon crashing.
full project crud with laravel 5.1 and slug management
Curso de Laravel 5.1 donde aprenderemos a crear una aplicación web dinámica :D
Laravel 5.1 boilerplate to build a website that implements authentication.
👮 A PHP desktop/mobile user agent parser with support for Laravel, based on Mobiledetect
A basic integration between Laravel 5, Vue Js and Ratchet web sockets API.
Simple laravel5 example for tutorial
Simple CRUD and Search Application in Laravel 5 and Bootstrap
Laravel Framework 5 Bootstrap 3 Starter Site is a basic application with news, photo and video galeries.
Full admin panel with lots of features including front-end, back-end (vanilla PHP), ajax and database (MySQL)
Desktop/Android/HTML5/iOS Java game development framework
Reference application for AngularJS
App Development Toolkit for Desktop, Cloud and Mobile. Based on OpenUI5 + Bootstrap.