Catch Logger for Acoustic Midwater Surveys
CLAMS is an application used to collect biological data during fisheries stock assessment and research surveys.
Written over 13 years ago by scientists from the Midwater Assement and Conservation Engineering group at the NOAA Alaska Fisheries Science Center, CLAMS has served as a fundamental component of the MACE group's stock assessment survey toolkit. But, CLAMS was also the first GUI based Python application written by the group and it shows. It is ugly under the hood and it needs to be updated badly. It also lacks documentation and even basic configuration changes must be made directly in the database which makes it very difficult for other users to get it up and running.
With this repo, we hope to leverage the talents of the small CLAMS userbase to update it, add documentation, and improve usability to allow other fisheries stock assessment and research groups to implement it on their surveys.