In contrast to what the package name suggests, better-BEM may not actually be better than other packages handling BEM className generation. better-BEM does support className maps as imported with CSS Modules.
A quick Google search for a package which handles dynamic className generation according to BEM methodology (block__element--modifier
) and which supports className maps didn't yield any results.
# install
npm i better-bem
// import
import BEM from 'better-bem';
BEM( classNames [, classNameMap [, strictClassNameMap ] ] )
// output:
cn, // string className
el, // function el( classNames )
mod, // function mod( classNames )
default value: []
accepts: String, object or array of strings and/or objects
classNames | .cn output |
"foobar" |
"foobar" |
["foobar", "lorem ipsum"] |
"foobar lorem ipsum" |
" foo bar " |
"foo bar" |
{ foo: false, bar: "truthy value" } |
"bar" |
["foo bar", { lorem: true }, "ipsum"] |
"foo bar lorem ipsum" |
mod() only: { property: "value" } |
"property-value" |
default value: {}
accepts: Object with input className to output className mapping
default value: true
accepts: Boolean
When classNameMap is not empty and strictClassNameMap is true
all inputted classNames which aren't in the classNameMap are ignored. When strictClassNameMap is false
they will be outputted.
classNames | classNameMap | strictClassNameMap | .cn output |
"foo bar" |
{ foo: "output-foo" } |
true |
"output-foo" |
"foo bar" |
{ foo: "output-foo" } |
false |
"output-foo bar" |
// Block classname
const block = BEM('block');;
// => "block"
// Underlying element classname
const element = block.el('element');;
// => "block__element"
const modifiers = ['error', { color: 'red', valid: false }];
// Block classname with modifiers
const modifiedBlock = block.mod(modifiers);;
// => "block block--error block--color-red"
const modifiedElement = element.mod(modifiers);;
// => "block__element block__element--error block__element--color-red"