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BE: Deep Learning Practicals (SPPU)

Lab 1: Linear regression by using Deep Neural network: Implement Boston housing price prediction problem by Linear regression using Deep Neural network. Use Boston House price predictiondataset.

Code given by College

Click here to view the Jupyter Notebook: My Code

Lab 2: Classification using Deep neural network: Binary classification using Deep Neural Networks Example: Classify movie reviews into positive" reviews and "negative" reviews, just based on the text content of the reviews. Use IMDB dataset

Click here to view the Jupyter Notebook

Lab 3: Convolutional neural network (CNN): Use MNIST Fashion Dataset and create a classifier to classify fashion clothing into categories.

Code given by College

Click here to view the Jupyter Notebook: My Code

Lab 4: Recurrent neural network (RNN) Use the Google stock prices dataset and design a time seriesanalysis and prediction system using RNN.

Click here to view the Jupyter Notebook: My Code