Kubernetes-like control planes for form-factors and use-cases beyond Kubernetes and container workloads.
Run JetBrains IDEs remotely with Docker
Together Mixture-Of-Agents (MoA) – 65.1% on AlpacaEval with OSS models
Catena-X Portal - Continuous Deployment - DEPRECATED
Bootstrapping k8s clusters with ready to use ArgoCD for k8s management.
Automate the initialization and unsealing of @hashicorp Vault without public cloud infrastructure
Example Apps to Demonstrate Argo CD
Fundamental Library for Angular is SAP Design System Angular component library
Jenkins shared library for Continuous Delivery pipelines.
Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers.
Kyma is an opinionated set of Kubernetes-based modular building blocks, including all necessary capabilities to develop and run enterprise-grade cloud-native applications.
Spring Security in a Spring Boot Application with Authentication and Authorization using DB
Social Network application (spring boot data mvc security restful cors xsrf angular swagger facebook / google signin)
An example for Spring Cloud Function Aws.
This repository is only for a educational purpose.
Package Python applications using Google or-tools for AWS Lambda.