pyright Public
Forked from microsoft/pyrightStatic type checker for Python
TypeScript Other UpdatedOct 18, 2021 -
downward Public
Forked from aibasel/downwardThe Fast Downward domain-independent classical planning system
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 21, 2020 -
PixelPartyGenerator Public
A tool to create images for /r/PixelParty
CSS MIT License UpdatedOct 22, 2018 -
software-engineering Public
Forked from unibas-marcelluethi/software-engineeringVorlesungswebseite fuer den Kurs Software Engineering der Universitaet Basel
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International UpdatedOct 1, 2018 -
SE-PythonBot Public
Forked from thomas-daniels/SE-ChatbotA chatbot for the Stack Exchange chat rooms that can execute python code, called SE-PythonBot
Python Other UpdatedAug 18, 2015 -
SE-Chatbot-PythonModule Public
A module for SE-Chatbot (https://github.com/ProgramFOX/SE-Chatbot) that runs python code using the Sphere Engine (http://sphere-engine.com/) API
Python Other UpdatedJul 23, 2015 -
OdeToJS Public
A short quiz about types in JavaScript
Python GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedJun 18, 2015 -
LobThis Public
A chrome extension that finds a sequence of pages in the Library of Babel with the text from the website you're currently on.
Dogfight-KOTH Public
The controller and helper code for the Dogfight KOTH challenge.
marbelous.py Public
Forked from marbelous-lang/marbelous.pyPython interpreter for Marbelous
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 14, 2014 -