The Computer Graphics class presented plenty of challenges over the semester, requiring knowledge on Transformations, Cameras, Lighting, Modelling, Animation, etc...
At the end, the students had to show their knowledge and coding performance by applying those concepts mentioned above in a project of free theme choice.
Spent a couple of nights trying to build something cool, I have built dynamic cubes with a wood box texture, all over the plan. To complement, a decided to explore the lighting effects on that boxes, using the direcional , point of lights and spotlight at the same scene.
- Created light bulbs in the scene, so that the shadowing is clearly visible.
- Just applying the environment light, such as the sunlight.
- As I decided to add interactivity to the scene, I built a camera that can be controlled by the keyboard keys. Because of that, I added a spotlight in front of the Camera, meaning that when I approach a box, it gets illuminated according to the theta angle variable presented in the shader files.
As explained above, in order to add some interactivity to the end user, I added a Camera that can be controlled by the keyboard keys w,a,s,d or the arrows.
- C++
- OpenGL