Port of awesome JavaScript Node.js library - Socket.io-client v2.* ~ v4.* - in Dart
socket.io-client-dart | Socket.io Server |
v0.9.* ~ v1.* |
v2.* |
v2.* |
v3.* ~ v4.6.* |
v3.* |
v4.7.* ~ v4.* |
Dart Server
import 'package:socket_io/socket_io.dart';
main() {
// Dart server
var io = Server();
var nsp = io.of('/some');
nsp.on('connection', (client) {
print('connection /some');
client.on('msg', (data) {
print('data from /some => $data');
client.emit('fromServer', "ok 2");
io.on('connection', (client) {
print('connection default namespace');
client.on('msg', (data) {
print('data from default => $data');
client.emit('fromServer', "ok");
Dart Client
import 'package:socket_io_client/socket_io_client.dart' as IO;
main() {
// Dart client
IO.Socket socket = IO.io('http://localhost:3000');
socket.onConnect((_) {
socket.emit('msg', 'test');
socket.on('event', (data) => print(data));
socket.onDisconnect((_) => print('disconnect'));
socket.on('fromServer', (_) => print(_));
To connect the socket manually, set the option autoConnect: false
and call .connect()
For example,
Socket socket = io('http://localhost:3000', OptionBuilder() .setTransports(['websocket']) // for Flutter or Dart VM .disableAutoConnect() // disable auto-connection .setExtraHeaders({'foo': 'bar'}) // optional .build() ); socket.connect();
Note that .connect()
should not be called if autoConnect: true
(by default, it's enabled to true), as this will cause all event handlers to get registered/fired twice. See Issue #33.
Socket socket = ... // Create socket.
socket.io.options['extraHeaders'] = {'foo': 'bar'}; // Update the extra headers.
socket.io..disconnect()..connect(); // Reconnect the socket manually.
Socket socket = ... // Create socket.
socket.onConnect((_) {
socket.emitWithAck('msg', 'init', ack: (data) {
print('ack $data') ;
if (data != null) {
print('from server $data');
} else {
print("Null") ;
These events can be listened on.
const List EVENTS = [
// Replace 'onConnect' with any of the above events.
socket.onConnect((_) {
socket.on('eventName', (data) {
final dataList = data as List;
final ack = dataList.last as Function;
In Flutter env. not (Flutter Web env.) it only works with dart:io
not with dart:html
websocket or Ajax (XHR), so in this case
you have to add setTransports(['websocket'])
when creates the socket instance.
For example,
IO.Socket socket = IO.io('http://localhost:3000',
.setTransports(['websocket']) // for Flutter or Dart VM
.setExtraHeaders({'foo': 'bar'}) // optional
import 'dart:async';
// STEP1: Stream setup
class StreamSocket{
final _socketResponse= StreamController<String>();
void Function(String) get addResponse => _socketResponse.sink.add;
Stream<String> get getResponse => _socketResponse.stream;
void dispose(){
StreamSocket streamSocket =StreamSocket();
//STEP2: Add this function in main function in main.dart file and add incoming data to the stream
void connectAndListen(){
IO.Socket socket = IO.io('http://localhost:3000',
socket.onConnect((_) {
socket.emit('msg', 'test');
//When an event recieved from server, data is added to the stream
socket.on('event', (data) => streamSocket.addResponse);
socket.onDisconnect((_) => print('disconnect'));
//Step3: Build widgets with streambuilder
class BuildWithSocketStream extends StatelessWidget {
const BuildWithSocketStream({Key key}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container(
child: StreamBuilder(
stream: streamSocket.getResponse ,
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<String> snapshot){
return Container(
child: snapshot.data,
- Refer to dart-lang/sdk#34284 issue. The workround is to use the following code provided by @lehno on #84
class MyHttpOverrides extends HttpOverrides {
HttpClient createHttpClient(SecurityContext? context) {
return super.createHttpClient(context)
..badCertificateCallback =
(X509Certificate cert, String host, int port) => true;
void main() {
HttpOverrides.global = MyHttpOverrides();
- Refer to #108 issue.
Please use
instead ofsocket.close()
to solve the memory leak issue on iOS.
- Refer to flutter/flutter#47606 (comment) issue.
By adding the following key into the to file *.entitlements
under directory macos/Runner/
For more details, please take a look at https://flutter.dev/desktop#setting-up-entitlements
The HTTP connections are disabled by default on iOS and Android, so here is a workaround to this issue, which mentioned on stack overflow
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