Tags: ringyee/snappy
Release Snappy 1.1.3; getting the new Uncompress variant in a release… … is nice, and it's also good to finally get an official release out after the migration to GitHub. The GitHub releases are basically done by tagging a commit and then uploading the .tar.gz file generated by make dist as a binary asset; GitHub will add all files on the tagged commit on top of the tarball and recompress, but since we don't have any nodist_* files in configure.ac, this works fine for us. (As far as I can see, this behavior of GitHub--uncompressing the .tar.gz, and the behavior of silently ignoring files in it that are also in the git repository--is undocumented, but also seems to be used in some official screenshots, so I guess we can rely on it.) A=sesse R=jeff