Forked from @jthegedus/firebase-gcp-examples and adapted for personal taste.
To use this template, click "Use Template" at the top of the page. This will guide you through generating a new repository with this as a base. Next, head over to Firebase and create a new project to host your site. Take note of the project id. Finally, clone your newly generated repository and run these commands (as applicable) from the project root:
yarn setup # setup environment variables and CI/CD
yarn dev # start live dev server
yarn preview:staging # staging preview
yarn preview:production # production preview
yarn deploy:staging # publish to staging Firebase project
yarn deploy:production # publish to production Firebase project
If you are unable to use the automated setup script, you can still manually create the following .env
file to setup your project:
// .env
STATIC_PROD_PROJECT=... // production Firebase project-id
STATIC_PROD_WEBAPP_KEY=... // from firebase console
STATIC_STAGE_PROJECT=... // (optional) staging Firebase project-id
STATIC_STAGE_WEBAPP_KEY=... // (optional) from firebase console
STATIC_DEPLOY_KEY=... // from yarn firebase login:ci
For CI/CD with TravisCI, you will need to do the following:
- Authorize TravisCI and enable on repository (if applicable).
- Add environment variables in your repository settings on TravisCI for the each of the variables in your
If you would like to keep your template instance up-to-date with this source repository, you can do the following to select and apply updates:
yarn update
This will allow you to apply all necessary, tested, non-breaking patches and changes.