List of Sample Projects to Help Build your portfolio. From Beginner to Advance Level.
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All Projects mentioned below comes with important information to help you design something unique.
These simple Design task is just to warm you up ahead of the projects, you can upload your designs to Dribbble and Behance.
You can use the hashtag #rivasult and also tag us on social media @rivasulthq
- Conduct a User Survey
- Create a Simple User Persona
- Create an Information Architecture
- Create a Sketch of an educational Website
- Create a Low Fedility Wireframe for a Shopping app
- Design a Login Page UI for Mobile
- Design a Landing Page UI
- Design a Contact Us Page
- Design a High Fedility wireframe for a Shopping app
- Design an eCommerce checkout page
- Design a Tech Blog Landing page
- Design Email Newsletter template
- Design a Desktop Dashboard
Client Name: BitNews
Tyography: Use anyone you like
Color: Primary color: #D55D2A | Secondary Color: #DD7E55
2 Weeks
A Unique Design for the Blog that can;
- Most Read This week on Homepage
- Latest Articles on Homepage
- A Sidebar either Left or Right
- Newsletter subscription enabled
- Quick Navigations to Categories
- Social share button for articles
- Page to Read article
- Easy readility function for users
- Search bar section to search for content
- Feature to help users with reading problem
Please design for responsive web. So we require desktop screens as well as mobile screens.
18yrs - 60yrs (Female & Male Interested in Crypto News)
Please conduct some research on other cryptos blogs, our aim is to be better than them.
- Research Results
- Sketch Ideas
- Information Architecture
- User Flow
- Visual Mockup of the Blog
You can upload the Design as a Case Study on Behance Watch Guide to Create one and share link with everyone in the Design group (Link mentioned earlier)
Client Name: Geek Deelino
Tyography: Poppins or Monsterrat
Color: Blue (any color code around blue)
1 Weeks
A Unique Design for a portfolio Website that can;
- I want client to see information about me
- I want client to see my recent works
- I want client to see my skill set
- I want client to contact me easily
- I want clients to get a free project consultation
Please design for responsive web. So we require desktop screens as well as mobile screens.
25yrs - 60yrs (Female & Male)
Please conduct some research on other Personal portfolio website, our aim is to be better than them.
- Research Results
- Sketch Ideas
- Information Architecture
- User Flow
- Visual Mockup of the Portfolio
You can upload the Design as a Case Study on Behance Watch Guide to Create one and share link with everyone in the Design group (Link mentioned earlier)
Client Name: Pro Todo
Tyography: Use any Typography
Color: Use any brand color (you can use a color style generator)
2 Weeks
A Unique Design for a Todo App that can;
- Todo should have premium and free feature
- Todo use allow users sign/register to help them save files online (this will help users when they move to a new device)
- Users can create 5 Todo Category for Free
- Users can create Unlimited category in Premium
- Users can invite others to collaborate in premium only
- Users can share todo public link with team members
- Users can create a company Todo page (PREMIUM)
The category section is used to create different todo's for work, home and others.
Mobile App only
15yrs - 50yrs (Female & Male)
Please conduct some research on other cryptos blogs, our aim is to be better than them.
- Research Results
- Sketch Ideas
- Information Architecture
- User Flow
- Visual Mockup of the Todo App
You can upload the Design as a Case Study on Behance Watch Guide to Create one and share link with everyone in the Design group (Link mentioned earlier)
Client Name: Rivasult Creative
Tyography: Use any Typography
Color: Use Brand color code (Export from the existing website)
3 Weeks
As a Designer, you are required to help re-design our Digital agency to help our clients and students navigate properly. We want a unique design. We noticed users find it difficult to navigate our website and it has reduced our conversion, we also need a new UX copy to help boost our audience retention on our landing page.
Our Clients will love a more optimized version of our website with straight to the point UX and easy to read Copy.
Responsive Design for both Mobile and Web
18yrs - 50yrs (Female & Male)
Please conduct some research on other Digital Agency, our aim is to be better than them.
- Research Results
- Sketch Ideas
- Information Architecture
- User Flow
- Visual Mockup of the new Design
You can upload the Design as a Case Study on Behance Watch Guide to Create one and share link with everyone in the Design group (Link mentioned earlier), You can also tag Rivasult on social media.
Client Name: Nairaland
Tyography: Use any Typography
Color: Use Brand color code (Export from the existing website)
3 Weeks
Hi,I'm the owner of Nairaland and i would love you to help us create a new optimized version of Nairaland current design. Our Users are complaining about us not being consistent with our designs and lacking new technologies.
Please conduct a User survey/interview with our users on the forum to better understand what they want from us and design something that means their needs. We have seen designs from other designers but we want to see something unique from you.
Responsive Design for both Mobile and Web
13yrs - 50yrs (Female & Male)
Please conduct some research on other forum, our aim is to be better than them.
- Research Results
- Sketch Ideas
- Information Architecture
- User Flow
- Visual Mockup of the new Design
- Prototype
You can upload the Design as a Case Study on Behance Watch Guide to Create one and share link with everyone in the Design group (Link mentioned earlier), You can also tag Rivasult & Nairaland on social media.
Client Name: Kuda Bank
Tyography: Use existing Fonts
Color: Use existing color
5 Weeks
We are the popular Kuda Bank, a Fintech company in Africa that has taken over the unbanked space and we are growing everyday. We need you as product designer to give our app a new look while maintaining our features, we also want our app to be unique, beautiful and naviagate-able.
Please you can also change our UX Copy to help improve our conversion. Please also conduct a user research, we would love to hear what our users want us to improve on our mobile app.
We noticed our users find it difficult when it comes to budgeting, we want a child of 18yrs to be able to understand our budgeting feature properly. Play around but give us a look.
Mobile App only
18yrs - 60yrs (Female & Male)
Please conduct some research on other fintech apps, our aim is to be better than them.
- Research Results
- Sketch Ideas
- Information Architecture
- User Flow
- Low-fedility wireframe
- Visual Mockup of the New Design
- Prototype
- Design Handoff
You can upload the Design as a Case Study on Behance Watch Guide to Create one and share link with everyone in the Design group (Link mentioned earlier)
Client Name: Cross.learn
Tyography: Use any font
Color: Use any color
6 Weeks
Cross.learn is an e-learning platform where users can learn various courses both free and paid, Cross.learn is recognized by Google, Microsoft, Apple and other top companies and we want to show that on our website.
We want users to be able to create account and sign in to view courses they signed up and also a disccusion board for all users who signed up for a particular course, we also want users to be able to get certificate after completion of the course.
We also have a feature were only staffs of top companies can become instructor on the platform, this will help us deliver quality courses to users. We also want users to have access to take part in a 4 weeks internship after completing the course.
Our Mobile app should standout from other existing app as we have unique features, you can also include other neccessary features e-learning platforms need to have.
Mobile App only
18yrs - 60yrs (Female & Male)
Please conduct some research on other e-learning apps, our aim is to be better than them.
- Research Results
- Sketch Ideas
- Information Architecture
- User Flow
- Low-fedility wireframe
- Visual Mockup of the New Design
- Prototype
- Design Handoff
You can upload the Design as a Case Study on Behance Watch Guide to Create one and share link with everyone in the Design group (Link mentioned earlier)
You are welcome to contribute to the sample projects