- Mumbai
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/riya-joshi-8999961a3/
- Pro
A decentralized electronic voting system using blockchain which helps users to cast their votes using the web portal in an efficient and secure manner. It is decentralized and distributed which mea…
A blockchain-based decentralized music streaming platform to connect music enthusiasts directly to independent music artists. The artists can use this platform to share their music with greater fre…
SPAR10-AI-Enabled-Text-Processing-Framework Public
Forked from Purviharniya/SPAR10SPAR10 allows various businesses and organizations to deal with textual data in a hassle-free manner and addresses several problems when dealing with textual data. All the features implemented are …
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedMay 13, 2022 -
GitHubGraduation-2022 Public
Forked from github-education-resources/GitHubGraduation-2022Join the GitHub Graduation Yearbook and "walk the stage" on June 11.
JavaScript UpdatedMay 4, 2022 -
Query Likelihood Retrieval Model using Jelinek-Mercer Smoothing technique.
HTML UpdatedApr 5, 2022 -
Heart disease prediction using supervised machine learning algorithms
machine-learning random-forest naive-bayes-classifier supervised-learning xgboost hyperparameter-optimization logistic-regressionJupyter Notebook UpdatedNov 12, 2021 -
EDA and sentiment analysis on disney land reviews
Jupyter Notebook GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedAug 20, 2021 -
Society-Management-System Public
Developed a full fledged web app, for the efficient and hassle free working of the various societal tasks performed by society authorities in order to curb the traditional practices and promoting d…
DSA Public
Data structures and Algorithms problems solved using python
python cpp data-structures interview-preparation dsa algorithms-and-data-structures placement-preparationPython UpdatedJul 19, 2021 -
D-BREED Public
A web-app made using flask and Deep learning ( custom CNN model with InceptionResNetV2 ) in python for identifying the breed of the dog from its image.
Jupyter Notebook GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJul 4, 2021 -
This repo contains famous ML algorithms from scratch using python. I have implemented all the algorithms on a single dataset ( FIFA set from Kaggle ) for better understanding.
Developed an ecommerce web application under the topic Industrial Automation of Inventory System keeping in mind the needs of a steel manufacturing company.
HTML UpdatedJul 3, 2021 -
CNN model for image classification using Tensorflow
machine-learning deep-learning image-classification convolutional-neural-networks high-accuracy cnn-classification fashion-mnist-datasetJupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 25, 2021 -
Hand-Cricket-Game Public
Hand cricket game using hand gesture recognition ( OpenCv - Python ( image processing ) )
image-processing_Riya_Joshi Public
contains assignments completed during my open-cv internship and OCR-GUI app
Python UpdatedJun 28, 2020