Shows a list of git modified files on top of the tree-view for easy access. Opens all git modified files at once with a simple command.
This plugin was developed by using code samples from the following atom plugins:
- tree-view-open-files
- open-git-modified-files
'ctrl-alt-o': 'tree-view-git-modified:toggle' // Shows or hides panel
'ctrl-cmd-o': 'tree-view-git-modified:openAll' // Open all git modified files
- This package doesn't work well when the package tree-view-git-projects is installed.
- Known bug, if a project folder is removed from the tree and then added again in the same session the list of modified files will not be refresh until Atom is restarted (looks like a bug on Atom related to adding a project folder after it is removed).
- Include option to customize background color of selected items on tree-view.
- Include icons to show git statuses and icons to quickly add/remove from git index.
- Review why tree-view-git-projects breaks this package and try to make them compatible.
- Add additional test cases.