This is a continuation of My Posts Order (version 1.1.1) by kapilchugh.
I was frustrated by lack of templating as well as lack of specifying where the plugin could be displayed. To this end, I added:
The ability to specify which template you want to display the ordered posts (rather than in loop.php) (version 1.2.1 has you put any template you use in the custom-templates folder in the plugin) (this doesn't require that but you do have to add the path and the template name)
The ability to specify by name which post list/order you want to display rather than using the id of the post list/order
So for example, calling this:
the_widget('My_Posts_Order', 'title=§ion_name=Front Page&template=postorder-frontpage.php&posts_per_page=4', array());
will cause the widget to display the posts listed in the section name 'Front Page' using the template 'postorder-frontpage.php' which is in my theme and only allows 4 posts per page.
Base Plugin URL: