This simple Ruby on Rails app showcases ActionMailer for sending emails and Postmark for handling incoming emails.
Gems used include:
gem 'postmark-rails'
gem 'roadie'
gem 'letter_opener'
The flow is:
- A user creates a ticket on the index
- App via Postmark sends an email to user
- Postmark also sends email to admin.
- Admin can reply to email with reply text.
- Postmark redirects json to App.
- App creates Inbounds obj which modifies ticket.
- Website index updated with new info.
Robin Swenson-Healey Nov 22, 2013
As a Visitor (no user model needed),
I want to create a new ticket on the web site
so that I can report my problems.
As a support agent (you?),
I want to be notified with an email whenever a new ticket is created
so that I don't need to access the site to see new tickets.
As a support agent,
I want to respond to new tickets by replying to the email
so that I can work without leaving my inbox.
As a Visitor,
I want to see the support agent's reply on the web site
so that I know someone is actually listening to my problems.