This repository contains the board design sources and FPGA HDL sources for the Parallella board and various accessories.
boards/ - Board design files, all projects
archive/ - Older boards no longer supported,
proto/ - Zedboard based prototype (Jan 2013)
gen0/ - First Parallella board, too hot (Apr 2013)
gen1.0/ - Solid board, but hdmi wiring bug (Oct 2013)
gen1.1/ - Fully working board (Dec 2013)
libraries/ - Shared schematic and PCB tools libraries
parallella-I/ - Current Parallella-I board schematic and PCB source
constraints/ - Constraints files for board-specific pin locations
docs/ - Docs specific to each board
firmware/ - Low-level firmware (fsbl, u-boot, etc.)
mfg/ - Manufacturing files: Fab Gerbers, Assembly docs
fpga/ - FPGA design files and projects
edk/ - EDK sources
parallella_7020_headless/ - EDK for headless 7020-based Parallella
externals/ - Container for external repositories used by our projects
hdl/ - Verilog source files
axi/ - General AXI interface modules
clocks/ - Clock generation
common/ - General-purpose synchronizers/muxs/debouncers/etc.
elink/ - eLink modules
fifos/ - technology-independent FIFO modules
parallella-I/ - Modules specific to the Parallella
ip/ - Tool-specific IP generation (CoreGen) sources
projects/ - One folder for each project
See README files in the individual project directories.