Make Terminal more cute with Oh My Posh and Winfetch
Building a community around a cheap ESP32 Display with a touch screen
ESP32Marauder Cheap Yellow Display
A powerful Smart Watch based on STM32, FreeRTOS, LVGL.
This project is about creation of affordable and easy-to-manufacture prototypes of PCBs which are used to expand the capabilities of existing low-cost SDR receivers based on RTL2832U chip.
Reflections is a hardware and software platform for building entertaining mobile experiences.
GPIOViewer Arduino Library to see live GPIO Pins on ESP32 boards
ESP32 Camera motion capture application to record JPEGs to SD card as AVI files and stream to browser as MJPEG. If a microphone is installed then a WAV file is also created. Files can be uploaded v…
This is external programming for ESP32-Cam that you can simple attach it for easy upload your code to ESP32-Cam
A MicroPython framework that takes care of cellular communication with variety of built-in IoT cloud solutions.
esp8266 wifi-serial bridge, outbound TCP, and arduino/AVR/LPC/NXP programmer
Open source for use worldwide and contributions from others worldwide
Easy MultiSensor device based on ESP8266/ESP32
Simple LoRa Node based on Arduino Pro mini with RFM95W module and PCB antenna.
This little utility will help you correlate your ESP32 or ESP8266 ADC readings of battery voltage with battery charge level in %. Uses only VCC and GND pins. Instructions inside!
Internet connected altimeter for Everest Run -
CatSniffer is an original multiprotocol and multiband board for sniffing, communicating, and attacking IoT (Internet of Things) devices using the latest radio IoT protocols. It is a highly portable…
Think DSP: Digital Signal Processing in Python, by Allen B. Downey.
a collection of "Little Electronic & Arduino Projects", most involving electronics or an Arduino in one way or another!
Code and slides for the "Deep Learning (For Audio) With Python" course on TheSoundOfAI Youtube channel.
Awesome Projects in Python - Machine Learning Applications, Games, Desktop Applications all in Python 🐍