Source code for the paper DiffuseLoco: Real-Time Legged Locomotion Control with Diffusion from Offline Datasets
Ensemble-of-Costs Guided Diffusion For Motion Planning
Implement Differentiable Kinematics Tree & Planning Objectives in PyTorch given URDF robot models.
Can We Find Strong Lottery Tickets in Generative Models? - Official Code (Pytorch)
BoIR: Box-Supervised Instance Representation for Multi-Person Pose Estimation
A repository of a paper named "Can We Use Diffusion Probabilistic Models for 3D Motion Prediction?", accepted to ICRA 2023.
(WACV'24) MICS: Midpoint Interpolation to Learn Compact and Separated Representations for Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning
code of RMFER: Semi-supervised Contrastive Learning for Facial Expression Recognition with Reaction Mashup Video
DQN with pytorch with on Breakout and SpaceInvaders