An Applescript to create a Numbers sheet from a defined contacts group.
To be used with 'Pages Data Merge'.
This script is part 1 of a scripting scenario to create bills for courses.
##Creating bills I have a group of contacts (students) for which I want to make bills in Pdf documents and send them with mail.
- The first step is to create a NUmbers document with the data.
- The next step is to create by hand a Pages document containing the (merge) fields.
- The last step is to use the application 'Pages Data Merge'
The script has Dutch remarks and Dutch fields, also the Formulas in Numbers are in Dutch.
The script gets all contacts in group 'Leerlingen'. Every 'leerling' has extra fields added to their contacts sheet: Five extra fields 'Related Names' with these descriptions: 'Lesgeld', 'Lesfrequentie', 'Lescode', 'Lesduur', 'Lesdag'. These fields are also part of the contacts template and are synced with iCloud.
These extra fields provide the students payment data needed in the Numbers sheet.