Sitm is the Self-Improving Task Manager.
As well as acting as a task management program, it also helps you to adopt strategies to increase your productivity. The program does this by offering a number of plugins which can be enabled or disabled.
Currently a basic command line task management system has been written, along with the plugin framework.
$ sitm add "do something cool" # add a task
$ sitm next # prints the next task
do something cool
$ sitm ls # lists all pending tasks, with id number
0 do something cool
$ sitm do # marks next task as done
$ sitm do --id 11 # marks task with id 11 as done
$ sitm log "eat breakfast" # same as adding then doing the task
$ sitm rm # removes next task
$ sitm plugins # lists plugins
$ sitm enable test # enables plugin called test
$ sitm disable test # disables plugin called test
sitm -h # show all subcommands
All data is stored in a file called .sitm.dat in the user's home directory.
A file called aliases is included which can be sourced in your shell.