You're working on a project where issues are managed in Linear. You want to browse issues assigned to you, read their description and copy the git branch name, all from within NeoVim using keyboard shortcuts. In addition, you want to be able to quickly create issues, also from within your editor. These are the usecases linear-nvim is designed for.
- neovim 0.8.0+ required
- Install using your favorite plugin manager. I'm using lazy.nvim in this case
- You will need
installed- The former is used for making http requests while the latter is used to show query results and make selections
return {
dependencies = {
config = function()
issue_regex = "lin%-%d+", -- optional. regex to use to match against the issue number format for your linear workspace
issue_fields = { "title", "description" }, -- optional. Fields to fetch when viewing issue details for existing or newly created issues
default_label_ids = { "abc" } -- optional. Table of default label IDs to apply for each new issue created
log_level = "warn" -- optional. Sets the logging level for the plugin
The following use cases are supported as of now
- Fetch issues assigned to you
- 50 most recent issues are returned
- You can search through them
- You can preview the description
- Copy the git branch name
- You can create a new issue
- You will be prompted for the team to create the issue in (if you have multiple teams)
- You will also be prompted to enter a title for this issue
- Description is in the works, as soon as I can figure out how to send it successfully via the graphql API
- After the issue is created, you can copy the identifier, git branch name, url etc.
- View issue details
- Move your cursor to an issue number in your buffer and call
to view details about this issue.
- Move your cursor to an issue number in your buffer and call
Only supported authentication method is using the Linear Personal API keys. You will be prompted to provide it the first time (post installation) the plugin tries to query the Linear API.
We store the API key you provide in a plaintext file in vim.fn.stdpath("data")
. You can always delete it there. Alternatively, you can simply revoke the key from Linear itself, if/when needed.
You can put these wherever you define your custom keymaps (eg. lua/config/keymaps.lua
) if you're using LazyVim)
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>mm", function()
vim.keymap.set("v", "<leader>mc", function()
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>mc", function()
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>ms", function()
nvim --headless -c "PlenaryBustedDirectory lua/linear-nvim/tests/"
- Provide configuration options
- Change the default behavior from copy to something else (eg. open in browser)
- Pull more than 50 issues when trying to list them
Add a default label when creating new issues- Filter down listed issues to a specific team
- Integrate with a git plugin to automatically create the new branch (does lazygit support this?)
- Add support to provide a description for newly created issues
- Integrate with folke/todo-comments.nvim to create issues from TODOs
Build a viewer to be able to see title, description etc. when hovering over a Linear issue identifier- Add tests