- San Francisco
- www.robertmonarch.com
- @wwrob
- Pro
pytorch_active_learning Public
PyTorch Library for Active Learning to accompany Human-in-the-Loop Machine Learning book
disaster_response_messages Public
This dataset contains 25,000 messages drawn from events including an earthquake in Haiti in 2010, floods in Pakistan in 2010, super-storm Sandy in the U.S.A. in 2012, and news articles spanning a l…
headlines Public
Practical example from Human-in-the-Loop Machine Learning book
bicycle_detection Public
Practical example from Human-in-the-Loop Machine Learning book
food_safety Public
Practical example from Human-in-the-Loop Machine Learning book
masked_bias_detection Public
Code for EMNLP2020 paper: "Detecting Independent Pronoun Bias with Partially-Synthetic DataGeneration"
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 2, 2020 -
gender_augmentation Public
human-in-the-loop synthetic data generation to augment the universal dependencies corpus with gender-balanced independent possessive pronouns
uncertainty_sampling_numpy Public
NumPy implementations of common Active Learning strategies for Uncertainty Sampling
unicode_image_generator Public
Generates an image for every unicode character
char-cnn-text-classification-pytorch Public
Forked from srviest/char-cnn-text-classification-pytorchCharacter-level Convolutional Neural Networks for text classification in PyTorch
dl-dataday-workshop Public
Forked from humayun/dl-dataday-workshopDeep Learning Course, example code
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 2, 2018 -
active_learning_class Public
Code for class on Deep Active Learning and Annotation
active_learning_imagenet Public
Coding exercise to extend tensorflow for imagenet to active learning, for use in a job interview or similar.
annotation_imagenet Public
Coding exercise to extend to create an annotation tool for ImageNet labels on Machine Learning output
models Public
Forked from tensorflow/modelsModels built with TensorFlow
SDCND-Behavioral-Cloning-P3 Public
Use Deep Learning to Clone Driving Behavior
Python UpdatedFeb 10, 2017 -
chichewa Public
Morphological parser for the Chichewa language
SMS-Turks Public
Forked from ushahidi/SMS-TurksSystem to help volunteers manually parse information out of text messages.