A makefile for generating self signed ssl certificates for the current host with cfssl.
Unfortunately, at the time of writing, the latest packaged version of cfssl (1.2) contains a bug that makes it impossible to create certificates with hosts, so the software must be installed with Go.
Here is how I installed cfssl on Ubuntu 18.04.
$ sudo apt install golang
$ go get -u github.com/cloudflare/cfssl/cmd/cfssl
$ sudo cp ~/go/bin/cfssl /usr/local/bin/cfssl
$ go get -u github.com/cloudflare/cfssl/cmd/cfssljson
$ sudo cp ~/go/bin/cfssljson /usr/local/bin/cfssljson
The command hostname -f
should produce a fully qualified domain name.
If you are using '/etc/hosts' to provide your local hostname make sure the fully qualified domain name comes first. e.g. myhost.example.com myhost
If this is problematic simply hard code the values in the Makefile. e.g.
# If necessary manually override: HOSTNAME, FQDM, and PREFIX.
# HOSTNAME=$(shell hostname)
# FQDN=$(shell hostname -f)
# PREFIX=$(shell hostname -d | sed -e 's/\./-/g')
You will need to edit these according to your organisation.
With hostname -f
producing myhost.example.com
The makefile will generate the following files:
- example-com-ca.pem
- example-com-ca.csr
- example-com-ca-key.pem
- example-com-intermediate-ca.pem
- example-com-intermediate-ca.csr
- example-com-intermediate-ca-key.pem
- example-com-myhost-haproxy.pem
- example-com-myhost-server.pem
- example-com-myhost-server-key.pem
- example-com-myhost-peer.pem
- example-com-myhost-peer-key.pem
- example-com-myhost-peer.pem
- example-com-myhost-peer-key.pem
The haproxy file is a certificate chain containing in this order:
- example-com-myhost-server.pem
- example-com-myhost-server-key.pem
- example-com-intermediate-ca.pem
- example-com-ca.pem
The make install
task installs the following files:
- /usr/share/ca-certificates/myhost.example.com (owner root, group root, mode 644)
- example-com-ca.crt
- example-com-intermediate-ca.crt
- example-com-myhost-server.crt
- example-com-myhost-peer.crt
- example-com-myhost-peer.crt
- /etc/ssl/private (owner root, group ssl-cert, mode 640)
- example-com-ca.key
- example-com-intermediate-ca.key
- example-com-myhost-haproxy.pem
- example-com-myhost-server.key
- example-com-myhost-peer.key
- example-com-myhost-peer.key
For ubuntu in will be necessary to add each file in /etc/ca-certificates.conf
Then call:
$ sudo update-ca-certificates
To install the files in a local folder ~/.keys run make install-local
This will create:
- ~/.keys/ca.crt
- ~/.keys/ca.key
- ~/.keys/client.crt
- ~/.keys/client.key
- ~/.keys/intermediate-ca.crt
- ~/.keys/intermediate-ca.key
- ~/.keys/peer.crt
- ~/.keys/peer.key
- ~/.keys/server.crt
- ~/.keys/server.key