This project aims to provide a vagrant configuration which allows immediate development and testing of P4_16 code. In addition to installing all libraries needed to complete the P4 Developer's Day 2017 tutorial, this repo includes P4_16 syntax highlighting configs for both Emacs and Vim, which are automatically installing during vagrant provisioning.
Simply clone this repo and call "vagrant up" in the home directory of the project.
The only prerequisite is an up-to-date installation of Vagrant and VirtualBox.
After installing the prerequisites, installation is quite simple:
$ git clone p4_16-vagrant
$ cd p4_16-vagrant
$ vagrant up
This step requires patience when run for the first time. Provisioning the VM can take upwards of an hour.
After provisioning completes, call:
$ vagrant ssh
If you have problems with xterm in mininet, instead use the command
$ vagrant ssh -- -X
The vagrant project directory on your host machine is synced to the guest VM as the directory /vagrant/.
After SSHing, the P4_16 tutorial is located at
Instructions for completing the tutorial can be found in the P4 github repo at:
If you make modifications to the VM and are no longer able to run any p4 code, call
$ vagrant destroy
$ vagrant up
to reprovision. WARNING: This will delete all files in the VM except for those in the /vagrant/ directory. Reprovisioning is not recommended unless absolutely necessary, since it takes so gosh dang long.
Robert MacDavid - [email protected]
Rob Harrison - [email protected]
The Emacs syntax highlighting config was found on the VM provided at P4 Developer's day 2017. The Vim syntax highlighting config was made by updating the P4-14 syntax highlighting config found at to reflect the changes to the language.