⛓️ Simple verified compiler in Lean4. Lisp-like interpreter, simulated processor and correctness proofs.
Lean 4 programming language and theorem prover
Repository for formalization of the Polynomial Freiman Ruzsa conjecture (and related results)
The Sage Cell Server---providing a way to embed Sage computations into any web page.
Fermat's Last Theorem for regular primes
Lean 3's obsolete mathematical components library: please use mathlib4
A library of results from Social Choice Theory, formalized in the Lean Theorem Prover.
Lecture notes, exercises, homeworks for Brown CS1951x 2021
Lean for the Curious Mathematician 2020
A formalization of the Rubik's cube group
Zulip server and web application. Open-source team chat that helps teams stay productive and focused.
Formalization of the existence of sphere eversions
Perfectoid spaces in the Lean formal theorem prover.
Lean-independent implementation of the MM-Lean link
A sudoku game where you have to prove that your deductions are valid