Libraries that provide Noda Time and Noda Money support for NHibernate.
Allows the use of the Noda Time and Noda Money classes and structures in Domain or POCO objects when using NHibernate for data access.
Warning version 2.0 contains a small breaking change please see the release notes.
The LinqToHqlGeneratorsRegistry class has been renamed to LinqToHqlRegisterNodaTime
- Currently we only have support for Microsoft SQL Server.
- Tested with Microsoft SQL Server 2012 but should work for:
- Microsoft SQL Server 2008
- Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
- Microsoft SQL Server 2012
- Microsoft SQL Server 2014
- Database types used that are specific to Microsoft SQL Server are, datetimeoffset, datetime2 and time.
- Other database servers may work or partially work but have not been tested.
- For example the Instant type uses a bigint (Int64) database type which should work with all database providers.
- DateTimeZone
- Implemented by DateTimeZoneTzdbType stored as a nvarchar(35)
- Instant
- Implemented by InstantType stored as a bigint
- LocalDate
- Implemented by LocalDateType stored as a date
- LocalDateTime
- Implemented by LocalDateTimeType stored as a datetime2
- LocalTime
- Implemented by LocalTimeType stored as a time
- Offset
- Implemented by OffsetType stored as a int
- OffsetDateTime
- Implemented by OffsetDateTimeType stored as a datetimeoffset(7)
- ZonedDateTime
- Implemented by ZonedDateTimeBclType stored as
- Column1: datetimeoffset(7) (Stores the DateTime and Offset)
- Column2: nvarchar(35) (Stores the Bcl DateTimeZone Id)
- Implemented by ZonedDateTimeTzdbType stored as
- Column1: datetimeoffset(7) (Stores the DateTime and Offset)
- Column2: nvarchar(35) (Stores the Tzdb DateTimeZone Id)
- Implemented by ZonedDateTimeBclType stored as
- Money
- Implemented by MoneyType stored as
- Column1: decimal (Stores the Amount)
- Column2: nvarchar(3) (Stores Currency Code)
- Implemented by MoneyType stored as
Install using nuget.
Install-Package Dematt.Airy.Nhibernate.NodaTime
Given the following class to map.
public class ZonedDateTimeTestEntity
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual string Description { get; set; }
public virtual Instant StartInstant { get; set; }
public virtual Instant? FinishInstant { get; set; }
public virtual ZonedDateTime StartZonedDateTime { get; set; }
public virtual ZonedDateTime? FinishZonedDateTime { get; set; }
The mapping code would look like this.
var myEntities = new [] {
var modelMapper = new ModelMapper();
modelMapper.Class<ZonedDateTimeTestEntity>(c =>
c.Id(p => p.Id, m =>
c.Property(p => p.Description, m =>
c.Property(p => p.StartInstant, m =>
c.Property(p => p.FinishInstant, m =>
c.Property(p => p.StartZonedDateTime, m =>
m.Columns(f => f.Name("StartZonedDateTime"), f => f.Name("StartZoneDateTimeTimeZoneId"));
c.Property(p => p.FinishZonedDateTime, m =>
m.Columns(f => f.Name("FinishZonedDateTime"), f => f.Name("FinishZoneDateTimeTimeZoneId"));
var _configuration = new Configuration();
/// Optional add the linq extension to allow querying by ZonedDateTime.ToDateTimeOffset()
var factory = configuration.BuildSessionFactory();
var session = factory.OpenSession();
For other examples please see the tests.
Install using nuget.
Install-Package Dematt.Airy.Nhibernate.NodaMoney
Given the following class to map.
public class MoneyTestEntity
public virtual Guid Id { get; set; }
public virtual string Description { get; set; }
public virtual Money Cost { get; set; }
public virtual Money? Retail { get; set; }
The mapping code would look like this.
var myEntities = new [] {
var modelMapper = new ModelMapper();
modelMapper.Class<MoneyTestEntity>(c =>
c.Id(p => p.Id, m =>
c.Property(p => p.Description, m =>
c.Property(p => p.Cost, m =>
m.Columns(f => f.Name("CostAmount"), f => f.Name("CostCurrency"));
c.Property(p => p.Retail, m =>
m.Columns(f => f.Name("RetailAmount"), f => f.Name("RetailCurrency"));
var _configuration = new Configuration();
/// Optional add the Linq extension to allow querying by:
/// Money.Amount //*Existing property*//
/// Money.ToAmount() //*Extension method*//
/// Money.ToCurrencyCode() //*Extension method*//
var factory = configuration.BuildSessionFactory();
var session = factory.OpenSession();
For other examples please see the tests.
Install using nuget.
Install-Package Dematt.Airy.Nhibernate.Extensions
Given the following class with DateTimeOffset properties to map to a database without native support for the DateTimeOffset type.
public class DateTimeOffsetTestEntity
public virtual Guid Id { get; set; }
public virtual string Description { get; set; }
public virtual DateTimeOffset Start { get; set; }
public virtual DateTimeOffset? Finish { get; set; }
The mapping code would look like this.
var myEntities = new [] {
var modelMapper = new ModelMapper();
modelMapper.Class<DateTimeOffsetTestEntity>(c =>
c.Id(p => p.Id, m =>
c.Property(p => p.Description, m =>
c.Property(p => p.Start, m =>
m.Columns(f => f.Name("StartDateTime"), f => f.Name("StartOffset"));
c.Property(p => p.Finish, m =>
m.Columns(f => f.Name("FinishDateTime"), f => f.Name("FinishOffset"));
var _configuration = new Configuration();
var factory = configuration.BuildSessionFactory();
var session = factory.OpenSession();
Alternatively to automatically map all DateTimeOffset properties of entites in the mapping: The mapping code would look like this.
var myEntities = new [] {
var modelMapper = new ModelMapper();
modelMapper.Class<DateTimeOffsetTestEntity>(c =>
c.Id(p => p.Id, m =>
c.Property(p => p.Description, m =>
modelMapper.BeforeMapProperty += ModelMapperHelper.ApplyDateTimeOffsetSplitTypeToDateTimeOffset;
var _configuration = new Configuration();
var factory = configuration.BuildSessionFactory();
var session = factory.OpenSession();
To allow the use of the object.IsNotNull() extension method to be used with linq register in the configuration. Details of why you might want to do this are in this blog post and stackoverflow question:
var myEntities = new [] {
var modelMapper = new ModelMapper();
var _configuration = new Configuration();
// This lines adds the Linq support for the IsNotNull() method.
var factory = configuration.BuildSessionFactory();
var session = factory.OpenSession();
Jon Skeet and the other people that work on the NodaTime project.
This stackoverflow post that got me started on this project when I was looking at the best way to store NodaTime structs.
The NodaMoney Project.
##Caveats## As noted by the NodaTime project, dates and times are a complicated and extremely difficult area in which to handle all cases correctly. Every project will have its own unique requirements and rules as to how to handle them, this is not intended to be a global solution to storing NodaTime structs. It is inevitably driven be the requirements of the projects I am currently working on. For example we store the Instant part of a ZonedDateTime as a datetimeoffset and not as a bigint (Int64) because of external reporting requirements of the database where the data is stored. Having said all of that if it is missing something you require or you have an issue please do not hesitate to raise a github issue or pull request.