A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- Alix - Alix, a Chrome extension for a11y.css. By @ireaderinokun
- [Angular-tag] (https://github.com/theo4u/angular-tag) - Tags input directive for AngularJS. By @theo4u
- APX - A Javafx Library for building MVC Applications. By @othreecodes
- Atom-Go-Imports A plugin for Atom Editor to add import statements to Go codes. By @abiosoft
- AppFramer - AppFramer helps to put your app screenshots in beautiful device frames with annotations by running a simple command By @olucurious
- Atom Aurelia snippets - A plugin for Atom Editor to autocomplete aurelia snippets when working with Aurelia.By @unicodeveloper
- Button4Android - Android button selector generator By @tdscientist
- caddy-docker - Docker image for Caddy web server. By @abiosoft
- caddy-git - Git plugin for Caddy web server. By @abiosoft
- Caniuse-embed - The (unofficial) embed for caniuse. By @ireaderinokun
- Client_manager - API Client Manager is a mountable Rails (engine) gem that helps identify and authenticate your API clients' requests. By @timigod
- Composer-git-hook - Easily manage git hooks in your composer config By @BrainMaestro
- csv49 - Comma Separated Values For Nigeria. Maintained by @stigwue
- Display Medium Posts - Display Medium Posts is a wordpress plugin that allows users display posts from medium.com on any part of their website. By @ace_kyd
- Dockward - Port forwarding tool for Docker containers. By @abiosoft
- FormHack - A hackable css form reset. By @ireaderinokun
- Face-detector - is application contains all the code from her article on the FaceDetector API. By @moyheen
- Gulp-Email-Workflow - A Gulp workflow for building HTML emails. By @ireaderinokun
- Google Dictionary - An android library that provides easy access to meanings of any word, phrase, or slang via Google, within any application. By @its_tobie
- graceful-terminate - Gracefully shutdown your node app. By @abiosoft
- Icicle - An annotation based tool for saving and restoring instance states. By @segunfamisa
- ImgR - ImgR.NET aims at automating the process of serving Images dynamically based on the client device. By @mykeels
- Inlinetweetjs - InlineTweet.js allows you to easily create tweetable links out of any text on a webpage. By @ireaderinokun
- Instaword - InstaWord is a Chrome and Opera browser plugin that makes learning new words much easier. By @ace_kyd
- iShell - Library for creating interactive CLI applications with Go. By @abiosoft
- Jollof - A lightweight PHP framework for developers who love smart work. By @isocroft
- Jusibe PHP Library - A library for Jusibe SMS Service By @unicodeveloper
- Jusibe JavaScript Library - A JavaScript library for Jusibe SMS Service By @azemoh
- KhaledBot - Delivering Major Keys to your Slack Team By @ireaderinokun
- Laravel Hackathon Starter - A hackathon/MVP boilerplate for laravel web applications. Start your hackathons without hassle. By @unicodeveloper
- Laravel Emoji - Laravel 5 Package that harnesses the power of PHP 7 unicode features to provide emojis in your laravel app. By @unicodeveloper
- Laravel Mentions - Laravel 5 Package for enabling facebook type of mentions in your application. By @unicodeveloper
- Laravel Password - Guard your users against entering dumb passwords in your Laravel 5 apps. By @unicodeveloper
- Laravel Identify - Laravel 5 Package to Detect Users Browsers, Devices, Languages and Operating Systems. By @unicodeveloper
- Laravel Paystack - Laravel 5 Paystack Package. By @unicodeveloper
- Laravel Jusibe - Laravel 5 package for Jusibe SMS Service. By @unicodeveloper
- Lindaikeji CLI - Linda Ikeji for Hackers, HR Associates, HR Managers, Lazy People et.c By @unicodeveloper
- Laravel Wikipedia - A Wikipedia Package for Laravel 5 By @unicodeveloper
- Laravel Exam - A Laravel exam with questions from beginner to expert curated By @unicodeveloper
- Laravel Feeder - Laravel 5 Package to extract atom and rss feeds from any website in a very good readable format By @unicodeveloper
- Laravel Email Validator - Validate email addresses on the fly in Laravel 5 By @unicodeveloper
- Laravel Codepen - A Codepen Package for Laravel 5 By @unicodeveloper
- MarkedIt - Simple markdown editor widget. By @codebeast
- MLog - MLog is the simplest .NET library for data logging. By @mykeels
- Mui-data-table - Data table for react material-ui. By @AustinSwaggz
- Mvrd - Motor Vehicle Registration Information Search Portal Library By @unicodeveloper
- Nimble - Fast PHP framework made with very loose optional components. By @neoighodaro
- Nojs - Library that helps minimize js you have to write. By @ifedapoolarewaju
- OpenWriter - A free theme for Ghost. By @ireaderinokun
- Php-Serializable - this helps to serialize php object(best phpclass award november 2016). By @theo4u
- Product-Tour - A responsive tour snippet, with a step-by-step guide(onboarding) By @robophil_
- PackageHub - An extension for displaying dependencies for many package managers on GitHub By @BrainMaestro
- PyFCM - Python client for FCM - Firebase Cloud Messaging (Android & iOS) By @olucurious
- Reuq - Frontend Javascript framework. By @ifedapoolarewaju
- River - Lightweight REST framework for Go. By @abiosoft
- sails-hook-jsonwebtoken - A sails hook for easily working with jsonwebtoken By @robophil_
- sails-hook-datatable - A sails hook for working with Jquery datatables By @robophil_
- Simple-DB - Get your Android app's SQLite database set up in five minutes! By @shalvah
- Simplistic Syntax - Simple theme for Atom Editor. By @abiosoft
- Slackword - Dictionary in your slack....additionally, you can get random words. By @_larikraun
- SlidingSquaresLoader - A simple progress loader By @biodunalfet
- ShelfView - Android Library to display books on shelf By @tdscientist
- Support-ticket - A support ticket application in Laravel By @ammezie
- Squareone - Jekyll starter site generator, setup with gulp task automation workflow By @azemoh
- Toast.js - A library for Toast messages By @ireaderinokun
- TweetThreader - A tool to create threads on Twitter By @thisisudo
- VSCode One Monokai - Beautiful dark theme for Visual Studio Code Editor By @azemoh
- wtfoperamini - Development features not supported in Opera Mini, and some crowsourced workarounds for them. By @ireaderinokun