SousVide is a simple & dependency free Chef Handler that hooks into Chef::EventDispatch
and collects event data from chef-client
. These events will produce "execution units" (often more than one per declared resource) to provide insight into why and how a Chef resource was converged. Data emmited by SousVide includes:
- time spent on a resource in milliseconds
- source location
- real execution order
- takes into account notifications and multiple executions
- extended execution status
- detects why-run used with :before notifications
- is aware of 'unprocessed' resources
- extended execution phase
- adds 'delayed' and 'post-converge' custom phases
- errors for retriable and ignorable resources
- last error is always captured, even if the execution succeed on retry
- guards details (only_if & not_if) when a resource was skipped
- additional data about notifications
- simple counters for each type
- notification type & notifying resource when available
- resource diffs
- file diffs as provided by Chef
- respects sensitive option
- custom service, package & user resources diffs
- always captured, even when there were no changes
- file diffs as provided by Chef
All this will be available in a flat JSON-friendly data structure at the end of chef-client
run. Feed it to Kibana, save to file, print to Chef logs or be creative and pass your own Ruby Proc
Add the following snippet to your recipe:
chef_gem "chef_sous_vide" do
action :install
ruby_block "register sous handler" do
block do
require "sous_vide"
action :nothing
Consider adding these lines as early as possible. SousVide will not detect compile-time executions before it's registration, but otherwise it will work just fine (or just as one would expect).
In default configuration the report will be sent to Chef::Log
=============== SousVide::Outputs::Logger ===============
Processing 79 resources.
1. execute[compile-time immediately after register sous handler]#run updated (15 ms) compile
2. execute[build local sous_vide gem]#nothing skipped (0 ms) converge
3. execute[install local sous_vide gem]#nothing skipped (0 ms) converge
78. cookbook_file[/usr/share/kibana/sous_vide.json]#create up-to-date (7 ms) converge
79. execute[import dashboard to kibana]#nothing skipped (0 ms) converge
Node info:
Name: default-ubuntu-1604
IP Address:
Role: elasticsearch
Run info:
ID: fed2a14d
Started at: 2019-10-05 09:41:35
Completed at: 2019-10-05 09:41:37
Success: true
Example configuration for JsonHTTP
ruby_block "register sous handler" do
block do
require "sous_vide"
json_http = "http://elasticsearch:3000")
SousVide.sous_output = json_http
action :nothing
Example configuration for JsonFile
ruby_block "register sous handler" do
block do
require "sous_vide"
json_file = "/opt/chef", file_name: "sous-report.json")
SousVide.sous_output = json_file
action :nothing
Example configuration for Graphviz
ruby_block "register sous handler" do
block do
require "sous_vide"
graphviz = "/opt/chef", file_name: "")
SousVide.sous_output = graphviz
action :nothing
Example configuration for multiple outputs:
ruby_block "register sous handler" do
block do
require "sous_vide"
json_http = "http://elasticsearch:3000")
json_file = "/opt/chef", file_name: "sous-report.json")
chef_logs =
proc_out = proc {|run_data:, node_data:, resources_data:| puts run_data.inspect }
multi =, json_file, chef_logs, proc_out)
SousVide.sous_output = json_file
action :nothing
SousVide output can be any object that responds to call
method (such as Ruby Proc
) with the following parameters:
class CustomOutput
def call(run_data:, node_data:, resources_data:)
# ... something interesting
end do |run_data:, node_data:, resources_data:|
# ... something interesting
Package diff (install action):
Packages: sous-package-one, sous-package-two, sous-package-three
Current versions: 0.0.1, 0.0.2, 0.0.2
Wanted versions: 0.0.2, 0.0.2, any
Service diff (stop action):
Running: yes. Wants no.
Service diff (enable action):
Enabled: yes. Wants yes.
User diff (manage action):
Username: sous-user
User will be updated.
Current attributes:
UID: 12345
GID: 12345
Home: /home/sous-user
Shell: /bin/bash
Comment: Modified user comment
Chef attributes:
Comment: Managed user comment
Given example mysql_service
mysql_service 'foo' do
port '3306'
version '5.7'
initial_root_password 'change me'
action [:create, :start]
SousVide will produce the following report:
9. mysql_service[foo]#create updated (44220 ms) converge
> 10. mysql_server_installation_package[foo]#install updated (35640 ms) converge
> > 11. apt_package[mysql-server-5.7]#install updated (35628 ms) converge
> > 12. apt_package[perl-Sys-Hostname-Long]#nothing skipped (1 ms) converge
> > 13. execute[Initial DB setup script]#nothing skipped (1 ms) converge
> 14. mysql_service_manager_upstart[foo]#create updated (8562 ms) converge
> > 15. group[mysql]#create up-to-date (2 ms) converge
> > 16. linux_user[mysql]#create up-to-date (2 ms) converge
> > 17. service[mysql]#stop up-to-date (19 ms) converge
> > 18. service[mysql]#disable updated (33 ms) converge
> > 19. file[/etc/mysql/my.cnf]#delete updated (4 ms) converge
> > 20. file[/etc/my.cnf]#delete up-to-date (1 ms) converge
> > 21. link[/usr/share/my-default.cnf]#create updated (2 ms) converge
> > 22. directory[/etc/mysql-foo]#create updated (10 ms) converge
> > 23. directory[/etc/mysql-foo/conf.d]#create updated (7 ms) converge
> > 24. directory[/run/mysql-foo]#create updated (5 ms) converge
> > 25. directory[/var/log/mysql-foo]#create updated (5 ms) converge
> > 26. directory[/var/lib/mysql-foo]#create updated (4 ms) converge
> > 27. template[/etc/mysql-foo/my.cnf]#create updated (9 ms) converge
> > 28. bash[foo initial records]#run updated (8409 ms) converge
29. mysql_service[foo]#start updated (94 ms) converge
> 30. mysql_service_manager_upstart[foo]#start updated (88 ms) converge
> > 31. template[/usr/sbin/mysql-foo-wait-ready]#create updated (18 ms) converge
> > 32. template[/etc/init/mysql-foo.conf]#create updated (28 ms) converge
> > 33. service[mysql-foo]#start updated (35 ms) converge
Using Graphviz
output SousVide can produce a dot
file that can be passed to Graphviz dot
utility. Click here to see a full graph.
script can parse JSON files generated by SousVide.
Using Flamegraph
output SousVide can produce a flame
file that can be passed to
script can parse JSON files generated by SousVide.
This repository comes with kitchen
setup you can use out of the box to see SousVide in action.
Run bundle exec kitchen converge default
to provision a docker container with ELK stack using chef-client
& SousVide.
Once chef-client
finishes converging you can access a Kibana dashboard and see all the information SousVide collected during the run at http://localhost:5601/app/kibana#/dashboard/cba01d00-5383-11e9-90a1-a5ec6cbc0c49
There are more example kitchen configurations you can converge and see the runs in Kibana. You can change the default recipe, converge again and see it in Kibana.
SousVide is tested with Kitchen & Cucumber. To run the test suite locally run:
- run
bundle exec kitchen converge e2e
- run
bundle exec cucumber
Kitchen will generate a JSON file (standard JsonFile
output) that will be later used by Cucumber.
Bug reports, suggestions and pull requests are welcome on GitHub.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.