v4 is a complete rebuild of the Concrete Framework for Shopify theme development. The framework is currently dependant on Slate v1 (beta), though is being developed with a view to less reliance on the Shopify development team.
If you are looking for the Slate v0 version, please see this branch.
Components will be liberated from the main framework where possible to allow for personal preferences while offering a solid starting point out-of-the-box.
There are some key differences to Starter Theme that should be noted:
- jQuery is out, but you can add it if you want it
- @elkfox/shopify-theme is used to add some important features
- We will be adding more tools to @elkfox/shopify-theme that you can use to extend your theme development, if you choose.
- Mixins and some other basic styles are pulled from sass-library
- US English is currently the only language shipped, but others can be easily added
- The product page works out-of-the-box with a single variant product
- The breakpoints set in the variables.scss work out-of-the-box
- Optional sections library
- Support for upcoming breaking Shopify theme changes
Fork this branch to get started.
- Node: The current LTS (long-term support) release. We like to use a Node Version Manager like NVM.
- NPM 5+ or Yarn: Both of these package managers have ups and downs, choose whichever you prefer. Follow the installation instructions for Yarn or NPM to make sure you're using the latest version.
For help on setting up the repository locally, building, testing, and contributing please see CONTRIBUTING.md.
All developers who wish to contribute through code or issues, take a look at the Code of Conduct.
Copyright © 2019 Elkfox Co Pty Ltd. See LICENSE for further details.
Concrete v4 was built on Shopify's Starter Theme - Copyright © 2018 Shopify. See LICENSE for further details.