#Telegram - twitter like app built with Ember CLI Server Side Repo
Tech Stack: nginx, node.js, mongoDB, passport, mailgun
Development: Virtualbox Ubuntu 64bit
Deployment: DigitalOcean Ubuntu 14.04 64bit
- Client side repo: https://github.com/yhagio/telegram-cli
nginx settings http://yhagio.github.io/blog/2014/06/12/nginx-setup/
Implement all the routes required by the ember.js app with the same dummy data from the previously used fixtures adapter (client side). -- Routing , -- req.params , -- res.send()
since in client-side takes care of the transition.transitionToRoute()
Register / Login issue https://gist.github.com/yhagio/899e743441c66e15c2f6
Step2 - Passport Authentication
. -
Issue note https://gist.github.com/yhagio/0e29815cd1e1f086242e
Step3 - Passport Authentication 2
- use
and implementensureAuthenticated
middleware in order to prevent publishing a post by unauthorized user - Issue note: https://gist.github.com/yhagio/5e2b2d11076e8aede483
Step4 - MongoDB
- Comprehension check: Explain everything that is happening on the backend
- Ubuntu Installation of MongoDB Issue note: https://gist.github.com/yhagio/dcc4bd40ac3a32ec5084
- Changed the address of mongoose setting
ip to localhostmongoose.connect('mongodb://'
- MongoDB shell commands https://gist.github.com/yhagio/ce335d4c5aa506b2399f
Step5 - Connect-mongostore / Code Design
gist: https://gist.github.com/yhagio/9702f9a9d9c54abe8352- Install connect-mongostore
- Modules: Database, Routes, Passport, API Modules https://gist.github.com/yhagio/a0df02003c75f6887fc5
- changed from
in the/api/posts
if(req.user.id === req.body.post.user)
to if(req.user._id == req.body.post.user)
req.user type is object (mongo objectID), but req.body.post.user type is string
Post Schema issue https://gist.github.com/yhagio/5f41cd1f15a67c3d7053
Code organization
Changed back the Mongo ObjectID to username to simplify the process. Ember finds user by user_id = username.
Fixed persistence issue: moved the entire routes code AFTER
Fixed PostsPage issue (username is missing):
1. Check the console log on browser
2. Network -> response
3. Find which api route in the backend handles it
4. Put console.log() in the backend to make sure it returns the correct response.
Keys: ember styled object? Array/Object?
- User page routes and query :https://github.com/yhagio/telegram-server/commit/10c4c5ef2ab2007a598bf875290cbc2e2eb022e3
Step-6 - Followership
Follow others: gists - https://gist.github.com/yhagio/605e5baace6854b1ec68
- Follow function
- At URL
Returns the following users of the user(:username), similar for/followers
Step-7 - SecurePass
- Encrypt / Decrypt password on Register & Login using jQuery MD5 on front, bcrypt on back-end.
- Send Email with new password using Mailgun
- fixed some issues for displaying posts above gists
- User can reset password / sent by email (Mailgun) gists
- Securing password: commits
- Refactoring :Focus on Model + DB Connection: gists
- nlogger debug
- Refactor: GetFollowers/Followees in userOperation.js gists
Step-8-sideloaded branch
- sideloaded relationships(posts & users): gists
retweet (repost) branch
- Repost function: gists
Refactor & Bug fixed gists
User registration restriction (No duplicate username & email) commit
DEPLOYMENT on DigitalOcean: Flow & Instruction
- User can change their information (except avatar yet) commit
- User can set his/her profile avatar (Upload and save it)
- User account page (username, email, full name, password, account deletion)
- Notification of new post from following users
- Private message
- Hash tags
- Search (users & posts)
- Load posts button (skip / limit)
- Link / Share posts