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Lens: Lenses, Folds, and Traversals

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This package provides families of lenses, isomorphisms, folds, traversals, getters and setters.

An overview of the derivation of these types can be found on the Lens Wiki along with a brief Tutorial.

Documentation is available through github or hackage.


You can read from lenses (or other getters) and they compose in the order an imperative programmer would expect.

ghci> :m + Control.Lens
ghci> ("hello",("world","!!!"))^._2._1

You can make getters out of pure functions with to.

ghci> ("hello",("world","!!!"))^ length

You can write to lenses and these writes can change the type of the container.

ghci> _1 .~ "hello" $ ((),"world")

You can let the library automatically derive lenses for fields of your data type

import Control.Lens

data Foo a = Foo { _bar :: Int, _baz :: Int, _quux :: a }
makeLenses ''Foo

This will automatically generate the following lenses:

bar, baz :: Simple Lens (Foo a) Int
quux :: Lens (Foo a) (Foo b) a b

You can also write to setters that target multiple parts of a structure, or their composition with other lenses or setters.

ghci> _1.mapped._2.mapped %~ succ $ ([(42, "hello")],"world")
([(42, "ifmmp")],"world")
ghci> both *~ 2 $ (1,2)

There are combinators for manipulating the current state in a state monad as well

fresh :: MonadState Int m => m Int
fresh = id <+= 1

Anything you know how to do with a Foldable container, you can do with a Fold

ghci> :m + Data.Char Data.Text.Lens
ghci> allOf (folded.text) isLower ["hello"^.packed, "goodbye"^.packed]

You can also use this for generic programming:

ghci> :m + GHC.Generics.Lens
ghci> anyOf every (=="world") ("hello",(),[(2::Int,"world")])

Anything you know how to do with a Traversable you can do with a Traversal.

ghci> mapMOf (traverse._2) (\xs -> length xs <$ putStrLn xs) [(42,"hello"),(56,"world")]

Many of the lenses supplied are isomorphisms, that means you can use them directly as a lens:

ghci> let hello = "hello"^.packed
ghci> :t hello
hello :: Text

but you can also flip them around and use them as a lens the other way with from

ghci> hello^.from length

You can automatically derive isomorphisms for your own newtypes with makeIso. e.g.

newtype Neither a b = Neither { _nor :: Either a b } deriving (Show)
makeIso ''Neither

will automatically derive

neither :: Iso (Neither a b) (Neither c d) (Either a b) (Either c d)
nor :: Iso (Either a b) (Either c d) (Neither a b) (Neither c d)

such that

from neither = nor
from nor = neither
neither.nor = id
nor.neither = id

There is also a fully operational, but simple game of Pong in the examples/ folder.

Field Guide

Lens Hierarchy

Contact Information

Contributions and bug reports are welcome!

Please feel free to contact me through github or on the #haskell IRC channel on

-Edward Kmett