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Tags: rodb70/ESP8266_NONOS_SDK



Toggle version_3.0.4's commit message
# Feature

- Update to SDK version 3.0.4 and AT version
- feat(pp): Used beacon interval to calibrate timer to improve accuracy
- feat(net80211): Allowed ESP8266 to connect to AP without basic rate
- feat(system): revise flash map automatically when the firmware and flash map do not match.
- feat(at): Add at_nano demo to support 1MB flash
# Bug Fix
- fix(net80211): Fixed some connection failure issue during 11b with only AP mode
- fix(net80211): Fixed the memory leak problem when ESP8266 acts as AP and station is sending illegal messages
- fix(system): Fixed probable loss of system parameter if power down when erasing or writing the flash 
- fix(lwip): Fixed crash issue when SNTP is stopped
- fix(at): Fixed potential low risk of scan failure using the AT command to scan specified SSID


Toggle v3.0.4's commit message
Merge branch 'feature/update_at_bin' into 'master'

feat: Update at bin to

See merge request sdk/ESP8266_NONOS_SDK!283


Toggle v3.0.3's commit message
Merge branch 'feature/update_bin' into 'master'

feat: Update at bin on the latest branch

See merge request sdk/ESP8266_NONOS_SDK!271


Toggle v3.0.2's commit message
Merge branch 'feature/update_bin' into 'master'

feat: Update at firmware bin

See merge request sdk/ESP8266_NONOS_SDK!264


Toggle v3.0.1's commit message
Merge branch 'feature/update_version' into 'release/v3.0.0'

feat: Update at bin v1.7.1

See merge request sdk/ESP8266_NONOS_SDK!217


Toggle v3.0's commit message
Merge branch 'feature/update_at_bin' into 'master'

feat: Update AT bin version 1.7.0

See merge request sdk/ESP8266_NONOS_SDK!47


Toggle v2.2.1's commit message
feat(at): Update AT bin version 1.6.2

internal gitlab: d589238f


Toggle v2.2.0's commit message
feat(bin): Update AT bin for SDK 2.2.0

internal gitlab: 0fecfc34


Toggle v2.1.0's commit message
Version 2.1.0(116b762)

### System
1. Fix and update the license;
2. Add definitions of ROM functions;
3. Add efuse mac crc, save efuse mac into the system parameter area of flash, as a backup mac;
4. Implement `uart_div_modify`, which can support a 32-bit DivLatchValue in the SDK instead of the ROM one, and also remove `uart_div_modify` from the ld file;
5. Reduce iRAM usage by transferring some functions to flash;
    - add weak function `void user_spi_flash_dio_to_qio_pre_init(void)`. If the dio to qio flash mode is not used, users can add an empty `user_spi_flash_dio_to_qio_pre_init` on the application side to reduce iRAM usage;
6. Fix WDT in system_restart;
7. Fix Write & Read issue in SPI overlap mode;
8. Support 8MB & 16MB spi flash;
9. Update boot v1.7;
    - Support 8MB & 16MB spi flash;
    - Try boot the first bin for 3 times. If it fails, then boot the backup bin;
10. Fix http packet error, BBP301;
11. Support long periods of deep sleep;
12. Fix NMI handle crash on unaligned memory access, BBP309;

### Lwip
1. Add set and get dns server APIs:
    - espconn_dns_setserver
    - espconn_dns_getserver
2. Fix 2038 overflow bug in sntp_get_current_timestamp;
3. Fix MTU negotiate bug;

### AT
1. Add new commands, AT+UART? and AT+UART_DEF?;
2. Add new command, AT+SYSRAM?;
3. Add new commands, AT+SYSIO series;
4. Add new command, AT+CWHOSTNAME;
5. Add new command, AT+SYSADC?;
6. Add new commands, AT+CIPSNTPCFG and AT+CIPSNTPTIME;
7. Add new commands, AT+CIPDNS_CUR and AT+CIPDNS_DEF;
8. Support a maximum of 8 stations;
9. Modify keepalive count to 3 times;
10. Fix scan hidden ssid issue in AT+CWLAP;
11. Fix the issue of the UART stop bit being 0 when queried for the first time;
12. Fix MAC addr conflict in AP+STA mode;
13. Add new commands, AT+RFAUTOTRACE;

### WiFi
1. Optimize the RF frequency calibration workflow, having the frequency trace disabled by default;
    - users can call `system_phy_freq_trace_enable` in `user_rf_pre_init` to enable it;
2. Update libphy.a to version 1134_0;
3. Allow sending a broadcast ESP-NOW packet, but make sure that the packet is unencrypted;
4. Fix soft queue error;
6. Fix lmac assert;
7. Fix bug in sniffer mode;
8. Fix arp loss continously issue;
9. Fix bug in WiFi event;
    - auth mode changed event cannot be throw when station is in the process of scanning;
    - error old auth mode and new auth mode;
    - op mode change process cannot be blocked, so add an event to notify the caller that op mode is changed;
10. Fix the bug in mic failure handler;
11. Fix the bug which causes failure of connection to an AP with shared WEP;
12. Fix the bug which causes failure of connection to an AP with hidden ssid;
13. Fix softAP deauth;
14. Fix reconnect policy when trying to connect to an AP that does not exist;
15. Fix scan issue;
16. Fix extra bytes in UDP broadcast packet, BBP310;


Toggle v2.0.0's commit message

1. Updated libphy.a to 1055, fixed an issue of large current in Light-sleep.
2. Updated AT+ to 1.3.0:
   2.1 Added Light-sleep wakeup command, AT+WAKEUPGPIO;
   2.2 Fixed abnormal AT+CWDHCPS IP allocation;
   2.3 Added at_sdio demo under example directory.
3. Fixed probable system default when calling cur and def interfaces.
4. Fixed the issue of high current in Deep-sleep mode without disabling SPI first.
5. Fixed an issue where the SDK would crash when switching from AP to Station mode by calling wifi_set_phy_mode.
6. Updated secondary boot loader to v1.6:
   6.1 Supports AT + based on SDIO;
   6.2 Supports entering testing mode through GPIO.
7. Added support for MXIC Flash QIO mode.
8. Fixed exception caused during TCP handshake and retransmission.
9. Fixed issues in ESP-NOW.
10. Added ESP-PAIR (Simple-Pair) feature, for APIs please refer to ESP8266 SDK API Guide.
11. wpa2-enterprise time function derivation and time check disable can be set by users.
12. Support for PEAP/TTLS in wpa2-enterprise, for APIs please refer to ESP8266 SDK API Guide.
13. Added mqtt demos under examples directory.
14. Other issue fixes.
15. Resolved an issue that RF_Init_data sector may be broken in stress test. Provided a function user_rf_cal_sector_set which has to be added in application by software developer. More details about user_rf_cal_sector_set refer to documentation "2C-ESP8266__SDK__API Guide". (Resolved in ESP8266_NONOS_SDK_V1.5.4.1)
16. Fix a potential risk that will cause rf not work after external reset. (Resolved in ESP8266_NONOS_SDK_V1.5.4.1)
17. Add SDIO AT support. (Resolved in ESP8266_NONOS_SDK_V1.5.4.1)
18. Fix a potential bug in espconn. (Resolved in ESP8266_NONOS_SDK_V1.5.4.1)