- Prague, Czech Republic
- https://lukasrod.cz
- rod.lukas
- rod.lukas
- in/rodlukas
A few simple, but solid patterns for responsive HTML email templates and newsletters. Even in Outlook and Gmail.
ÚPadmin – Web application for the project “Úspěšný prvňáček“
🍪 Simple cross-browser cookie-consent plugin written in vanilla js
Larawed is tool that modify existing/new laravel project to run on wedos.cz hosting and maybe on other shared hostings
Differences between Flowtype and TypeScript -- syntax and usability
Concise, consistent, and legible badges in SVG and raster format
Fully printable summary of modern TypeScript language features with extensive examples to help you learn
Cheatsheets for experienced React developers getting started with TypeScript
Simple React Bootstrap 5 components
The library for web and native user interfaces.
A simple, but secure PHP login script. Register, login, logout, email verification, password reset, edit user data, gravatars, captchas, remember me / stay logged in cookies, login with email, mail…
A lightweight script to animate scrolling to anchor links.
The iconic SVG, font, and CSS toolkit
⚡ Simple and easy to use lightbox script written in pure JavaScript