I've reimplemented a few algorithms and resolved some problems for fun.
- numbers/fibonacci/binet_formula
- numbers/fibonacci/bottom_up
- numbers/fibonacci/bottom_up_space_optimized
- numbers/fibonacci/fast_doubling_recursive
- numbers/fibonacci/lookup_table
- numbers/fibonacci/matrix_exponentiation_optimized
- numbers/fibonacci/matrix_exponentiation_recursive
- numbers/fibonacci/recursive
- numbers/fibonacci/top_down_memoized
- sorting/quicksort/classic_hoare
- sorting/quicksort/dual_pivot_kciwegdes
- sorting/quicksort/dual_pivot_sedgewick
- sorting/quicksort/dual_pivot_yaroslavskiy_bentley_bloch
- sorting/quicksort/lomuto_clrs
- sorting/quicksort/three_way_bentley_mcilroy
- sorting/quicksort/three_way
- codewars/_5667e8f4e3f572a8f2000039_mumbling
- leetcode/_0000136_single_number
- leetcode/_0000151_reverse_words_in_a_string
- leetcode/_0000238_product_of_array_except_self
- leetcode/_0000283_move_zeroes
- leetcode/_0000334_increasing_triplet_subsequence
- leetcode/_0000338_counting_bits
- leetcode/_0000345_reverse_vowels_of_a_string
- leetcode/_0000392_is_subsequence
- leetcode/_0000605_can_place_flowers
- leetcode/_0000700_search_in_a_binary_search_tree
- leetcode/_0000724_find_pivot_index
- leetcode/_0000735_asteroid_collision
- leetcode/_0001207_unique_number_of_occurrences
- leetcode/_0001431_kids_with_the_greatest_number_of_candies
- leetcode/_0001768_merge_strings_alternately
- leetcode/_0002215_find_the_difference_of_two_arrays
- leetcode/_0002390_removing_stars_from_a_string
bash-all Run all bash tests
bash-check Check format bash code
bash-deps Install bash dependencies
bash-fmt Format bash code
bash-lint Check lint bash code
comments-tidy Tidy comments within code
doc-changelog Write CHANGELOG.md
doc-readme Write README.md
dprint-check Dprint check
dprint-fmt Dprint format
help Display this help screen
makefile-descriptions Check if all Makefile rules have descriptions
rs-audit Audit Cargo.lock
rs-audit-fix Update Cargo.toml to fix vulnerable dependency requirement
rs-cargo-deps Install cargo dependencies
rs-check Run check
rs-dev Run check in watch mode
rs-doc Open app documentation
rs-fix Fix rust code
rs-fmt Format rust code
rs-fmt-fix Format fix rust code
rs-lint Lint rust code
rs-lint-fix Fix lint rust code
rs-outdated Display when dependencies are out of date
rs-tests Run tests
rs-update-cargo Update dependencies
rs-update-rustup Update rust
typos Check typos
typos-fix Fix typos
To generate a new version, you need to follow these steps:
- In the
branch, you must bump the version inside theCargo.toml
files. - Run
make rs-check
so that the version is changed in theCargo.lock
file. - Run the command
git add -A && git commit -m "release: bump version"
. - Run the command
git tag -a <your.new.version> -m "version <your.new.version>"
. - Run the command
make doc-changelog && make doc-readme
. - Run the command
git add -A && git commit -m "release: <your.new.version>"
. - Run
git push