Fully-featured server for the Anki (now Digital Dream Labs) Vector robot allowing voice control, remote control, and robot management. This project is a fork of wire-pod.
Remote server has to have the following installed:
Docker for running a full-time containerized development environment. You have to login on your computer to be able to pull Docker images from Docker Hub. You can do this by running the following command:
docker login --username <username>
The installation guide exists on the wiki: Installation guide
- Clone vector-wire-pod repository inside ~/GitHub
git clone https://github.com/rodolphemds/vector-wire-pod.git
- Move to the cloned repository
cd ~/GitHub/vector-wire-pod
- Create Docker image named vector-wire-pod
docker build --rm -t vector-wire-pod ./
- Start a new Docker container running this image
docker run -i -t \
--hostname escapepod \
--name vector-wire-pod \
--restart unless-stopped \
--publish 443:443 \
--publish 8080:8080 \
--publish 80:80 \
--publish 8084:8084 \
--volume wire-pod-data:/chipper/ \
--volume wire-pod-model:/vosk/ \
Check out the wiki for more information on what wire-pod is, a guide on how to install wire-pod, troubleshooting, how to develop for it, and for some generally helpful tips.
Quick overview of project structure, components and their roles.
├── 📁chipper # Scripts for voice back-end that drives conversations with the robot
├── 📁vector-cloud # Programs that make Vector talk to the cloud
├── 📄.gitignore
├── 📁.github
├── 📄Dockerfile # Instructions to build development Docker image.
├── 📄setup.sh # Initial set-up script for installing wire-pod
├── 📄update.sh # Wire-pod update script
├── 📖README.md
- kercre123 for creating wire-pod
- Digital Dream Labs for open sourcing chipper and creating escape pod (which made this possible)
- bliteknight for making wire-pod more accessible with his easy-to-use pre-setup Linux boxes
- dietb for rewriting chipper and giving tips
- fforchino for adding many features such as localization and multilanguage, and for helping out
- xanathon for the publicity and web interface help
- Anyone who has opened an issue and/or created a pull request for wire-pod