Zorro is a microservice and a golang package to mask/unmask strings. It supports multiple transports, storage engines and mask generators.
Important: Zorro is under heavy development at the moment and its usage in production is not recommended
- Use cases
- Installation
- HTTP example
- gRPC example
- Servers
- Mask generators
- Storages
- Protobuf
- Contributing
- Author
- License
- Services that want to mask their private IDs while keeping the ability to resolve them later
# will install `zorro-http` and `zorro-grpc` servers in your $GOPATH/bin
go get -u github.com/rodrigodiez/zorro/...
# Run zorro http server with memory storage
zorro-http --port 8080 --storage-driver memory --debug
# Run zorro http server with BoltDB storage (initialises a new db if $BOLTDB_PATH does not exist)
zorro-http --port 8080 --storage-driver boltdb -storage-path $BOLTDB_PATH --debug
# Run zorro http server with DynamoDB storage (requires tables to configured with an ID -string- hash key and AWS credentials available in the environment)
zorro-http --port 8080 --storage-driver dynamodb -dynamodb-keys-table $DINAMODB_KEYS_TABLE -dynamodb-values-table $DINAMODB_VALUES_TABLE -aws-region $AWS_REGION --debug
# Mask
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/mask/<key>
# Unmask
curl -X POST http://localhost:8080/unmask/<value>
# Metrics
curl http://localhost:8080/debug/vars
# Same storage options as zorro-http are accepted, we omit them here for simplicity
# Run zorro gRPC server with memory storage
zorro-grpc --port 8080 --storage-driver memory
For interacting quickly with the gRPC server you can use a tool like grpcc.
Important: at the moment TLS is not supported so make sure to use your client in
- UUIDv4 ✔️
- In-Memory ✔️
- Bolt ✔️
- DynamoDB ✔️
- Google Cloud Datastore ✔️
- Redis 🔜
- MySQL 🔜
files for the gRPC server can be found here
With these files you can automatically generate gRPC clients for multiple languages including Go, Java, C++, Python, Ruby, C#, PHP...
Have a look to the gRPC and Protocol Buffers documentation for more info.
If you want to contribute to the development of Zorro you are more than welcome!
- Fixes: Go ahead and create a PR! :D
- Enhancements: Have a look to the open issues. If your enhancement does not fit any of the existing ones please create a new issue and describe your use case so we can discuss how to make it real! :D
My name is Rodrigo Díez Villamuera. Above anything else I am a passionate maker
I started Zorro as a way to increase my experience with Golang. Zorro allows me to explore the language from a practical point of view.
I am available to hire as a contractor. I am specialised in
- PHP/Go/Node development
- AWS Solutions
- Team leadership
- Agile development
If you need a hand or two... contact me! Linkedin | rodrigodiez.io
Zorro is free software and it is distributed under the terms and conditions of the MIT License.