Goal: receive mavlink messages from APM/Autopilot via UART link, ADC analog chanels via SPI, and send mavlink messages through udp protocal(WIFI).
The following table sumarizes the development status:
Milestone | Status |
UART receive MAVLINK protocal messages from autopilot board ( e.g. APM ) | Ok |
UDP broacasting MAVLINK protocal messages to ground station ( Hardware: BeagleBone Black board connect with USB-Wifi adapter ) | Ok |
ADC converting the analog channels through SPI port | Ok |
Test with UAV and qgroundcontrol | Ok |
Status: Ok
, Coded
(needs test), WIP
(work in progress), Issue
, ToDo
Rsapberry pi A+
gdm3d-uav -d -b -i
gdm3d-uav -d /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 115200 -i