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This is a starter template for your serenade custom scripts using serenade-sx, which includes 60+ power commands and utilities


You have installed Serenade


  • Bookmarks, macros, shortcuts, mouse positions, JSON API, browser display, clipboard, AutoHotKey api, and more


Clone this repository to your preferred folder name.

Do not clone this folder to .serenade/scripts. That is the output folder

Window users recommend to use PowerShell or Git Bash for setup

After cloning, cd to the folder and run:

npm install

Then run first time setup:

npm run setup

Done! Say "Show help" to get started.

You can find serenade-sx example commands for VSCode, Chrome, AutoHotKey, git, npm, etc here:

What is SX?

sx is a drop-in replacement for serenade that will keep track of your commands and find duplicates. The API is the same as serenade, but also allows for passing in an array like this:

import sx from "sx";["hello", "hello world"], async (api, matches) => {
  await api.typeText("hello world");

There are many utilities included with sx that will speed up your custom voice commands.

Folder structure

Folder Description
scripts Scripts for building/deploying
src All user files should go in here
src/apps All app specific files should go here. This uses the convention of src/apps/<AppNameId>
src/main Entry file. All commands must be imported here.
src/sx‑config.ts Configure SX commands or preferences
sx Treat this as a node_module. Try not to edit this directory, so that you can pull updates easily. Contributions are welcome using npm run build-starter
user‑data This is where all your user data is stored. This includes your commands, mouse positions, and hotkeys. This is ignored by git in .gitignore

First commands

First, start by focusing an application and registering the app using "register app "

Why register apps?

It allows for:

  • Configure how focus/launch/open commands work to make sure it opens reliably
  • Access to "edit commands" and "show commands"
  • create and update mouse positions, hotkeys
  • able to define aliases for apps (e.g. "chrome" for "google chrome")

Building commands

You must build commands before they are active. This is done by running npm run dev to actively watch for changes, or npm run build to build once. This will output a minified file to ~/.serenade/scripts/sx.min.js. You can also say "build commands"

"Show commands"

Javascript or Typescript?

You can use .js for your files, but it is recommended to use .ts. Writing your commands in typescript will give you error checking BEFORE compiling, so your running serenade application will never crash due to a syntax error.

Using with existing commands

If you have existing commands in ~/.serenade/scripts, they can exist side-by-side with the ~/.serenade/scripts/sx.min.js file that will be output.

However moving your commands serenade-sx is recommended. This will allow your commands to be counted, able to see if there are any duplicates, and work with "show commands" and "edit commands".

To move your commands, replace all instances of serenade with sx and add this to the top of every file

import sx from "sx";

In src/main.ts you must import the commands.

// ----------------------------------------
// add new imports here
import "apps/chrome";
import "apps/<AppNameId>";
import "global/example"
import "example";
// @sx-dynamic-app-import

/src/apps/<AppNameId>[.js|.ts] and"<AppNameId>") must match the configurable AppNameId when you register apps.

npm run dev or npm run build will output ~/.serenade/scripts/sx.min.js and trigger serenade to pick up the new commands.


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